XI. Hopes of the Damned

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The ringmaster and the lady to his right strutted out of the smoke. The ringmaster in all his over-the-top monopoly man outfit—minus the monocle sadly—and the lady in her peacock feathered short dress appeared with unsettling, yet unreadable gleams in their eyes. Although, they seemed to be happy in an odd sort of way.

"Omigod. Who is that? What's going on?" Sierra voiced, her eyes stuck looking directly at the long whip in the ringmaster's hands.

"I have no idea."

"Come on!" He gleefully shouted, creepily happy clown-like smile shining through. "There is no need to hide in the woods! Everyone is welcome at the show!"

The show, Alexa internally questioned, what? Is there a buffet here too? How many strange buildings and attractions were even in this place? Dear lord.

"Welcome!" The sidekick greeted, happily spreading her arms.

The demonic bodybuilder in front of the lowered his head in . . . shame? That was a first for the night. He slowly trudged ahead as if he was being pulled ahead by some invisible rope.

As soon as the Ringmaster faced the creature, his happiness quickly snapped into anger, a fierce look of disappointment blazing in his eyes. "You! Come here. Kneel before me you ungrateful runaway."

The monster quickened his pace, almost touching a very wary Sierra who quickly backed away. Some in the group of time travelers looked shocked, some were just confused, some were reclaiming the air that they didn't have for the last few minutes ("they," being Matt and Tim who just suddenly appeared back into the atmosphere), meanwhile Alexa just grimaced.

"He is freaky," Oli muttered, his hands stuffed in his pockets semi-casually.

"A demonic bodybuilder, peacock obsessed Harley Quinn, and an abusive monopoly man. A match made in heaven." Al stated, her tone as dry as the Sahara Desert.

The monster kneeled before the tophat man, whose stare Al was glad was not pointed towards her since she was pretty sure it would burn into her soul. Good thing the monster didn't have one. "I made you into something that people would travel for miles to see...and you threw it all away." The ringmaster said, wagging his finger at him sadly. For a few seconds Al felt bad for the demon. All he was to this guy was an extra paycheck. Then she had flashbacks of sharp fangs, threatening animalistic roars and the slashing of claws ever so close to her legs and she went back to her now eternal bitterness. "There will be punishment."

Better be a good one, Al thought. It definitely was not a good way to think, but she was pretty sure the universe could give her a moment of reprieve for momentarily (that was a lie, her trauma and therapy expenses would last forever Joey) hating the universe and the scumbag who crawled out of the deepest pits of hell himself—along with the demon.

The ringmaster once again flipped from emotion to emotion in a millisecond, now smiling at their group. "I think a celebration is in order."

"Yes! Celebrate!" The sidekick shouted, teetering around in her far too tall heels.

"For the return of our beloved Sam..."

"It has a name?" Lexa muttered to herself, giving a pointed glare toward the monst-  Sam.

"Thank you, my esteemed guests...I ask you to join me in an evening of the thrilling bizarre..."

Lele seemed ready to take the whip from the ringmaster and beat him to death with it after she killed Matt—and Al was right about there with her (minus the Matt killing part).

"of the carnival!" The ringmaster cracked the whip once more as his sidekick danced around shaking her hands up in the air. "Yes! The curse! Follow me!"

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