XII. Heights of a Dead Man

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Arthur picked a name from the hat and with ease unfolded the small paper in his hand.


"Oh." All Tim could do was blink, and a pang of guilt hit Al like a small firetruck. "Well, damn."

Sierra faked an "oh my god," which didn't even sound real in the slightest, but she got an A for effort at least.

Alexa lightly nudged Tim, "If it makes you feel any better, I think you'll do well." She was pretty sure that with how difficult it was to even look Tim in the eyes that he could probably tell that she voted him in, but he didnt speak on it nor did he show any suspicion. Instead, all he did was return the small gesture with a small smile and nod.

It made Al feel slightly better about it because she was not going to let her possible last words to someone yet again be of accusations of their possible cruelty and complete and utter vileness. Not again.


Everyone gasped, shock present in everyone's voices. Eva looked shocked, and even Lele was struck silent by it. It was quite the turn of events. That small fire truck that hit Al earlier meant nothing to the meteor of shock that hit her then.

"You guys voted for me?"

Almost everyone tripped over themselves in denial, quite loudly in fact. Al just murmured a quiet "no,"

Who the hell thought it was a good idea to vote him in? Alexa questioned. She knew her group had all agreed to not vote for him, so did that mean that Tim or Matt betrayed him? Normally she'd exclude Matt from this since he'd typically vote for Lele, but he surprisingly defied expectations this time.

Al patted Oli on the shoulder, "You'll do great, trust me. If you're as strong as you showed you were earlier you might win this."

Yet another solemn yet sad smile was given to her, and she couldn't help but feel bad for him. At least when she was voted in, those people were public about their dislike for her. He didn't even get to know who did. All they could do was hope he'd be alright.

"So I have my two participants for tonight's show!" Announced the all too ecstatic Ringmaster who with an iron grip tugged Oli and Tim to the front of the tent. "The rest of you can enjoy the show with our crowd. And I promise you, they won't bite you . .  that much." He said with a low chuckle.

Al looked at the crowd and couldn't help but be set a bit uneasy by them. They looked like they very much would bite, especially with their words.

Soon enough TopHat Man decided to get Oli and Tim all decked out for their soon-to-be deathbeds in possibly one of the most comedically awful ways possible: in mime outfits.

In any other situation Al would have laughed—especially with the comically grumpy and sad looks on their faces—but with the sudden reminder of oh god one of them will die she ended up accidentally choking on her own air in her failed attempt at laughter but recovered quickly enough.

The crowd booed as the two reentered, and Lele quickly booed right back with some not very nice words, along with Alexa as Tim just grumbled.

"If you don't like them, how about you do the tricks yourselves, you old pricks?" "Can you guys shut the hell up?" Were the non-explicit things they shouted during their "conversation."

The Ringmaster ignored their argument, instead continuing on with the show. "Now, gentlemen, you will be performing three acts for tonight's show. The first one is a strongman feat. The second—a juggling act. And the third—the high wire walk of death!"

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