IV. The Challenge

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Once they walked downstairs, Alexa wanted to scream and run away as fast as humanly possible, but she could not. The contraption in front of her was practically a contraption straight out of Saw, basically a mad scientist's fucked up wet dream. Whether she liked it or not though, she knew she had to stay, or else they would all be stuck in the 1920s, and she did not want that.

"Are you serious? Oh my god!" Alexa said as she looked at it.

Remember, if you make it through this then you'll be back in 2016. You're going to be fine.

"Ladies, welcome to the Ungodly Machine." Arthur said as electricity flowed through the wires hanging in the room.

"How did you not know about this?" Alexa asked.

"Please read the directions." Arthur said, ignoring her question.

"To free the artifact from the bowels of the machine it must be forced into malfunction. The two guests selected by vote must be locked in a separate glass chamber. The machine is started by placing the cog key in the center console. However the other chamber will fill with a noxious gas killing the guest whose partner was not quick enough. If after 30 minutes the machine has not malfunctioned both guests will be killed by the machine and a monster will emerge." Eva read.

Soon after, Eva read the directions Alexa and Andrea were locked in the chambers.

"It begins." Arthur said as he started the timer.

Eva dashed to the center console and began working on dismantling it. Alexa prayed to god during that time. After 15 minutes Eva finished the first step, and thankfully she did so before Justine.

"Eva has solved the first step." Arthur said.

Alexa sighed in relief and cheered for her. "Good job Eva! You're doing great!" She said. Eva smiled at her and quickly returned to the task at hand.

Soon after, Eva reached into a vat of ice water and began trying to unscrew the bolt in it. During that time Justine managed to finish the first step, so Alexa began cheering for Eva again. "Come on, you can do this! I believe in you!" Alexa said. A few seconds afterwards Eva managed to get the bolt out. "Yes! You did it! Good job! Just one more step left." Alexa said.

Eva quickly used the bolt to open the control center. "You got this!" Alexa cheered.

Justine then asked, "Girl, can you give me a hand? Did you actually take this bolt out?" Justine asked.

Eva looked over at Justine, but didn't say anything and returned to completing the last step. After another few minutes passed by Justine managed to finally get the bolt out. Andrea and Justine cheered, but their happiness was cut short as Eva completed the last step and Andrea's chamber filled with smoke.

Once Alexa saw the last light on Eva's console light up she cheered. "Yes!" She said as she saw her complete the last step, but then she realized Andrea was dead. She was sad that Andrea had to die, but at the end of the day she knew that it was either her or Andrea, and she definitely did not want to to die. She knew that there were more people who sadly had to be killed and that she just had to deal with it and move on.

"Eva's done it." Arthur said. Alexa heard the door unlock and she stepped out of the chamber. She tried not to look at Andrea, and instead looked at Arthur.

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