Part 4

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Kitty POV

I went to the DX, and thank god it was only like 5. But for some reason it was dark. I saw Soda outside the building. He was about to start walking, probably home. He saw my motorcycle and thought I was there to get it fixed. I stopped next to him. "Sorry we're closed," he said. I took my helmet off and said, "Well that's offensive. My motorcycle is fine. I don't know what to do. Dally and I had a fight. Usually it's okay but he slapped me and I couldn't be in the same space as him right now. I don't know what to do."

Sodapop POV

Wow. Dally finally snapped. It must've been a pretty big fight. I could see the whole right side of her face was red. "Well you might be able to stay with us." "Are you sure?" she asked. I couldn't let her go in the streets. "Yeah. Can I hop on?" "What? Well. How about you can drive. Wait you know how to drive motorcycle?" "Yeah." "Okay let's go," she said," because I forgot the way to your house."

Dally POV

I felt real bad I slapped Kitty. She just said that and it made me so angry. I hope she's okay. But there's nothing I can do, so I went to bed.

Darry POV

I was sitting on the couch and a black motorcycle pulled up. I didn't know who it was, until Kitty got off. I guess Sodapop hitched a ride. Even though he was driving. But then they came inside, and I saw Kitty's face was red, and it was starting to make a bruise. "What happened?" She turned towards me an  said, "Well Dally and I got in a fight. Usually it's fine but when he hit me I needed some time alone."

Kitty POV

Then Soda said, "And she needs somewhere to stay overnight." "Well you can stay here tonight." "Thank you." "No problem. Let me get you an ice pack that hit looks really bad." "Thank you." Darry got me an ice pack, and we just talked until it got too late. We talked about the most randomest stuff, and also about what I did in New York. Until Darry and Soda went to bed. Apparently Pony was up there doing something, or sleeping. I slept on the couch. And my cheek hurt real bad..I just wanted to cry but I kept it in.....

The next morning, I woke up to Sodas face in front of mine. I nearly  jumped out of my skin when he did that. "Soda that wasnt funny!" I couldn't help but laugh. "How's your face kiddo?" Darry asked. "Fine," I said. Darry cooked eggs, and they were really good. "How long has it been since you ate?" Soda asked. "Cause you didn't eat last night, the day before you said you didnt." I just shrugged. Eating wasn't a neccssity in my eyes. Too much stuff going on. "Well I better go. Somewhere. Thanks for letting me stay." "No problem," Darry said. As I left, I saw a police car drive right past me. When I got home, there was a note on the table. It read: "Kitty, sorry about last night. I just got real mad. For some reason I got called into the station. And I might not be home for a couple days." I knew what that meant. He got into trouble, and the police caught him. I just pray he isn't charged with anything. Cause then I'll be alone again.

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