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Coach Aida Riko blew her whistle just as she counted to 30 suicide runs. Her team players came to a halt, panting heavily after hours of workout training.

"10 minutes break, guys!"

"What a relief!" Koganei grabs his towel and wipes the beads of sweat dripping from his forehead.

"We already won the winter cup. Why do we still have to keep practising?" Furihata grumbles.

"Hey! Quit complaining!" Seirin's team captain, Hyuga, knocks his knuckles on Furihata's head.

"Sorry, Hyuga-senpai!" He bows and rubs his painful head.

"By the way, Riko, when will Ginnotani High basketball team arrive?" Hyuga turns to Aida.

She drops her whistle from her mouth and checks her phone. "Sayuri-chan told me that she's coming around this time. I'm not sure."

"Oh, okay. Then, let's round everybody up for a short match before they come. Everyone!" Hyuga calls out. "Where's Kuroko?"

"I'm right here," Kuroko's monotonous voice scared everyone as he stood behind the rest of them.

"We're still not used to that!" They flinched.

"Anyway, get into groups of two. We're playing a short match–" Hyuga was interrupted by the sound of the gym door opening.

A group of girls come through, buzzing, giggling, and tossing a China cup around. The group of slender girls had different coloured hair exciting the Seirin's High School basketball boys. They sighed dreamily making their girl coach boiling with anger.

"Riko-chan!" Sayuri calls out to her ex-middle school friend.

"Sayuri-chan!" Aida inflates back with happiness after punching her basketball team players on their heads.

"So good to see you again! Thank you so much for letting us have a match with your boys in your school!" They hugged.

"No problem! It's a small hassle!" Aida waved her hands.

"Meet my teammates and new first years! Girls!" Sayuri caught the fragile China cup in her hand.

"Thank you for having us! My name is Wakana Amari! First year! Substitute for playing power forward!" A tall and long black coloured hair with purple eyes girl shook Aida's hand excitedly.

"Um, hi. My name is Kagome Araya. First year and a substitute for playing shooting guard," Another tall and long pink haired with blue eyes girl waved at Aida shyly.

"And you remembered Chika Yukimura, Hitomi Fukase, Asuga Hano and Fumiko Miyano, right?" Each girl either waved or nodded at the mention of their names.

"Eh?! Where's Yoshigaraha-chan and Nashida-chan?" Wakana looked around.

"Ugh! Those girls! When I find them, I'm going to–" The sound of the door bursting opened causes Fumiko to stop her threat.

Tora on a remote-control skateboard wobbled and zoomed into her teammates. Kana ran in after her with the remote.

"Get out of the way, guys! Kana! Kana! Stop this thing!" Tora shouted just as her teammates moved out of her way into Seirin's group of players.

Kana fumbled nervously with the remote, pressing the accelerator button repeatedly.

"Give me that!" Hitomi snatched from Kana and pressed the correct stop button.

The skateboard stopped abruptly, sending Tora flying to the group of boys. They moved out of the way except for Kuroko who was the shortest and standing at the very back to see the commotion. Tora landed on Kuroko on the floor.

"How many times do I have to tell the both of you not to play around?!" Chika was fuming as she drags Kana by her collar.

"Ow... Are you okay?" Tora pushed her hair out of the way, only to meet the most electric blue eyes she has ever seen.

"Nashida-chan!" She heard Wakana's voice.

She blushes furiously and got up from Kuroko who was just as red as her. He thought for a second that a beautiful angel landed and spoke to him in the most tremulous voice. Kagami helped him up.

"What's wrong with you?" Kagami glared at the redhead girl.

"It's not my fault! He didn't move out of the way!" Tora whines.

"It is your fault!" Fumiko knocks Tora on her head.

"Miyano-san! That hurts!" Tora rubs her head.

"Who told you to bring that skateboard along?" The upperclasswoman animatedly has smoke coming out of her ears as she scolded her junior.

"Kuroko, are you okay?" Hyuga and Kiyoshi approached him.

"Yes, thank you. I'm fine," The blue-haired boy answers.

"Okay, enough!" Sayuri shouted, gaining everyone's attention.

"We're so sorry, Riko–" The girls bowed behind Sayuri shamefully.

"Um. Sayuri-chan! It's okay. It's okay!" Aida assures her old friend.

"Welcome. I'm Junpei Hyuga, Seirin's basketball team captain," The bespectacled upperclassman stood next to Aida.

"My name is Sayuri Nishikawa. Nice to meet you and thank you for letting us play with you," Sayuri bowed.

"You're welcome," Hyuga bowed as well. "Shall we start?"

"Sure, but can you let my players do their warm-ups first?" Sayuri requested, the three of them watched as Kana and Tora received their scolding from every member.

"Of course. We'll start once you are done," Hyuga walked to his team. "Alright. 15 minutes break, guys."

Sayuri too walked back to her team. "Nashida, Yoshigaraha. Come here."

Kana showed visible signs of fear while Tora was just itching to play basketball. Both girls stood in front of their captain while the rest set their bags aside and Aida escorted them to the toilet to change.

"Didn't I tell you to meet us at school?" Sayuri's voice was dangerously low.

"Yes, you did. I overslept, and Kana had to get me," Tora shrugged.

"Then how the hell did you come here within a few minutes?" The captain wondered.

"Oh, we did run to school, but the bus was gone. We were at the bus stop when my mum drove past and decided to send us here," Tora answers.

"Oh. Okay, but you were still 15 minutes late. So, if you don't score 15 points for the team, both of you are going back to the bench, got it? Now, change!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Tora saluted and pulled her partially deaf friend to the toilet.

From afar, a certain blue-haired boy watched the redhead's every move. A huge hand slapped his back.

"She falls on you hasn't made you fall for her instead, has she?" Kiyoshi teased.

"Um," Kuroko replied shyly.

author's note

hey! welcome! i hoped you enjoyed reading the first chapter! more is to come and I'm so excited! stay tuned for the next chapter this weekend! also a quick self promo! check out my profile for other books if you're interested!

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