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"Who is at the door, Tora?" Her mother peeped from the kitchen.

"It's just Kana! We're going to my room! Come on," Tora pulled Kana to her room.

She lies on the bed while Kana occupied her desk chair. Kana took a basketball that was just laying around, thinking of the right words to say.

"So, how did it go?" Tora asked.

"They understand about your mother," Kana hesitated.

"Okay, good. I'm feeling so bad that I drown myself in homework," She chuckled.

"Um. I have to tell you something. Please don't freak out," Kana rolled the chair to the side of the bed. "It's about your mother."

"Huh? My mother?" Tora sat up.

The door cracked opened and Tora's mother poked her head in. With a warm smile, she offered the two girls for a snack in the living room. The sound of Tora's stomach growled, and Kana sighed. She reluctantly agreed and they both head to the living room.

"What is it that you wanted to say, Kana?" She paused, seeing that Tora's mother is present with them at the table.

"Oh, maybe another time? Kuroko sends you his regard. He says he hopes to play with you soon," Kana changes the topic.

"Oh, who is this Kuroko? And why does he want to play with you soon?" Her mother interrupted, joining in the conversation.

"Mama, it's no big deal. Kuroko is just my friend," Tora felt something in her stomach churning. "He plays basketball too. We won a match against his team. Maybe he just wanted a rematch."

"I see, I see. Well, you girls talk. I'll take my leave now. I had an emergency call and I have to go to work for a while. Honey, you're okay on your own? But Kana is still here," The older Nashida stood up.

"I'm 16, mama. I'll be fine," Tora reassures her mother.

"Okay, see you later," They watched as Tora's mother picked her bag and leave the house.

"What is that you wanted to say? I'm just really curious. I mean, it's about my mother. I should know," Tora repeated.

"Um. Now that I think about it. It's not my place to tell you. Your old friends should still be at the basketball court. Let's go and sneak out for a while," Kana suggested.

Tora's mouth hangs open.

"What?" Her friend stared at her.

"I'm sorry. I'm just such a proud mother. Did I hear you correctly? Does Kana Yoshigaraha wants to commit truancy?" Tora started grinning like a fool.

"Oh, shut up. It's once in a lifetime. Now, come on. One hour maximum. We'll come back by 7 pm," The two friends sneaked out of the house and ran to the basketball court swiftly.

Tora's old friends who were playing basketball stopped their game.

"Shida!" Momoi tackles Tora with a hug.

Kuroko quickly senses Tora's confusion and stepped in. "Momoi-chan. I don't think she remembers you."

"What?!" Momoi turns back to Tora who display an awkward stance from being crushed by Momoi's large chest.

"Yeah, I don't know you or remember who you are," Tora awkwardly scratched the back of her head.

"Oh. Um. I am Satsuki Momoi–"

"Nashidacchi! I thought your mum didn't allow you to come out?" Kise wrapped a sweaty arm around her shoulders.

Kuroko tensed, seeing the look of discomfort on Tora's pretty face. Then it morphed to disgust, and she pushes Kise's arm off.

"Yeah, but she went to work. We sneaked out and have to be back by 7 pm," Tora explained.

"Why don't you re-introduce yourselves again to Tora?" Kana suggested.

"Yeah. I already know Suki-chan, Tetsuya-chan, Midori-chan and Ki-chan."

"The name's Daiki Aomine," The dark blue haired boy spoke.

"Atsushi Murasakibara," The purple haired giant like boy tear opened a snack.

Everyone stared at Akashi who still refused to say anything. Until Tora spoke up.

"I've seen you somewhere before."

Akashi looked at her, emotionless. But behind the facade was the shame and anxiousness to introduce himself. He fears that Tora might remember what he did if he says his name.

"Of course! You must have seen him in Basketball Monthly. His face was plastered everywhere last year after losing to Kurokocchi–" Aomine punches Kise on his head to stop talking.

"No. Not quite. I remember you in my past times. You appeared everywhere in my nightmares about the accident," Akashi's fears came true and he turned away guiltily.

"Akashi-kun," Momoi reached for him as she was the nearest.

He shrugs off her hand. Tora frowned at his actions and stood in front of him.

"I want to know why. Were you the one who pushed me?"

"Nashidacchi, none of us pushed you! Do you seriously believe your devilish mother?" Kise protested.

"No," Akashi answered monotonously.

Everything came to a stop for Tora. She was woken up countless times by her nightmares of the accident. Now, it seriously feels impossible to get back the life she once lived. Not even remembering her old friends can bring it back. She feels depressed.

"Tora-chan, are you okay?" Kuroko caught Tora in his arms when she reversed.

"Um. I just–"

"It was your mother," Kana calmly, though was fuming inside, confessed.

"What?" Tora thought she misheard her best friend.

"It's true," Kuroko admitted.

Tora pulled herself out of his grip and stumbled away.

"No, she wouldn't. No. She couldn't, even if she had to," Tora denied, a short hiccup escaped her lips.

"It was an accident, but she knew you would react differently. She told us to stay away to keep you from the truth," Midorima in his own way apologised.

"I have to go," The traumatic sobbing girl wanted to run away.

"Wait!" she didn't know why but she stopped when hearing Kuroko's voice. "Play basketball with us before you go."

Tora caught the ball that was thrown at her. She held the ball in her hands and looked up. They all offered her their best welcoming smiles, making Tora feel better. She wiped away her tears and shoot the ball into the hoop.

"You're on!"

They played until the street lights were switched on and they were all sweaty and heavily gasping for air.

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