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After their match and lunch, Ginnotani and Seirin practice together. They did basic passes and dribbles. They also exchange information on how to overcome some moves.

"Why did you let Yoshigaraha-chan and Nashida-chan play?" Aida asked Giichi.

"I could say the same to you about Kagami and Kuroko. But I let Yoshi-chan and Shida-chan play because they helped us remain on top," Giichi responded.

"Kagami and Kuroko helped us to the top. They're both excellent players," Aida agreed.

"Not to mention, they're all first years."

On the other side of the court, both first year's dynamic duo talked. Kagami and Tora did most of the talking and challenging while Kana and Kuroko stood watching.

"You are such an egoistic bastard! Wait till I beat you again in another match!" Tora was on her toes, trying to reach Kagami's height.

"I'd like to see you try!" Kagami was fuming after their loss.

"Bring it on! Pass me the ball!" Tora held up her hands and receives the ball.

She ran to the court and wanted to do a layup, but Kuroko snatched the ball. Tora watched as Kagami took back the ball and slam dunking it into the hoop. She turns to Kuroko.

"Tetsuya-chan!" She glared, jabbing her finger into his chest.

Before she could do anything else, Kana appeared and drags Tora away by her collar.

"Kana! Get the ball so I can shoot a three–"

The whistle blow and Tora give up, allowing Kana to pull her back to the gathering group. She crossed her arms grumpily and rolled her eyes at Kuroko. He felt bad for humiliating her in front of Kagami, but he didn't know Tora already got over it.

"Thank you so much for having us!" Ginnotani High basketball girl team and Giichi bowed together, getting ready to leave.

"Um. Excuse me," Tora who was the last to leave Seirin High's gym stopped to face Kuroko.

A dog licked her face. She giggled as the small tongue tickled her face. When it stopped, she rubs its head affectionately. He responded adorably with a small bark.

"Who is this?" She cooed.

"This is Number two," Kuroko blushes.

"He looks just like you!" Tora laughed, a string of musical notes reaches Kuroko's ears.

"Yes, I've been told," He smiled warmly. "Anyway, I hope there are no hard feelings."

"What are you talking about? It's just a basketball game. It's fine. I must go. Bye, Tetsuya-chan!" Tora blew a kiss and run after her teammates who were boarding the bus.

He swoons dreamily, feeling the imaginary kiss landing in his cheek. Then, a huge hand clapped his shoulder. Kagami smirked. Kuroko's cheek turns to a light shade of pink and he hides his face behind Number 2. Animated steam hovers over his head.

Kagami burst out laughing. "You like her."

Stuttering, Kuroko denied and tried to walk away but his best friend held him tightly. His other teammates gathered around him, joining Kagami in teasing the blue-haired blushing boy. They laughed out loud and gather their things to exit the training ground for the day.

"Hey, guys! Let's stop somewhere to eat?" Kagonei suggested.

"Sure!" They all agreed and walked to a nearby eating place.

The familiar bus of Ginnotani High was parked outside. And inside, the girls sit tiredly after their match and practice against boys.

"Wow! My body is aching so badly!" Asuga complained while stretching her body.

"You're the one to talk! One of those perverts almost touches me!" Chika shivered, earning a cup slam from Giichi.

"Which one?!" He growls. "I'll make sure he won't get to play on the next match–"

"Giichi-kun, shut up!" Sayuri glared as he was making a big fuss, earning stares from others.

"What were the dynamic duo like, Nashida-chan and Yoshigaraha-chan?" Wakana asked across of them.

"Ordinary," Kana shrugged.

"I could beat that red-haired idiot anytime and anywhere–"

"That was not what we saw," Fumiko smirked.

"You have red hair too, idiot!" Hitomi laughs.

"They're just like you guys, you know, but like boy versions," Asuga jokes.

"I think they would win. They're boys after all," Giichi spoke his opinion.

"They can't beat us! We're the best! –" Sayuri punches Tora on her head to shut her up. "Sayuri-senpai, why do you have to be so violent?"

"Now, you know how I feel," Giichi commented.

The door opens and Seirin's basketball team walked in. They flinch at the sight of the girls.

"What are you doing here?!"

"We heard that this place sells the most delicious food. So, why not we come here and try for ourselves," Hitomi answers.

"Sayuri-chan!" Aida immediately took off her shoes and sat with her old friend.

"I don't think there's enough space unless some of you could sit with those girls," The store owner says to the group of boys.

Then, it was decided. Kuroko and Kagami sat with Tora and Kana at their table. Tora and Kagami glared at each other. The two girls watched as Kagami's huge bowl of food arrived.

"Can you seriously eat all of that?" Tora's eyes widen.

"Yes, he can," Kuroko answers.

"Of course, I can!" Kagami boasted.

"If you vomit on us, I'll kill you," Tora threaten as she and Kana sit in front of the boys.

"Don't worry. He won't. He could never," Kuroko assures them.

They ate in silence, only the sound of loud chewing from Kagami.

"Can you eat quietly? Or I'll choke all your food down your throat!" Tora glares.

"Yeah, Kagami. It's annoying."

"You're not supposed to side with her, Kuroko!" Kagami growls but softens to smirk. "Oh, that's right. You like–"

Kuroko slapped Kagami's face to shut him up. The two girls flinch at his sudden move as he was labelled as someone who wouldn't hurt a fly. Clearly, they were wrong.

"Please forgive us and please ignore him," Kuroko spoke monotonously but his beet red face says something else.

"Um. It's okay," Tora awkwardly responded and continue eating.

"What was that for, Kuroko?!" Kagami fumed as soon as Kuroko removed his hand.

Kana just smiled at the fighting duo and turned to look at Tora who find the two boys just as amusing as she does. They finished eating and left.

"See you again, Tetsuya-chan," Tora purposefully winks, sending Kuroko's heartbeat in an unrhythmical way.

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