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Ginnotani High basketball girl team stood in a circle doing their stretches as a team. They had already changed into their pink camo basketball jersey and basketball shoes. The boys from Seirin High couldn't help but stare at the girls' slender figures.

Aida smirked evilly and hit their heads with her clipboard.

"Riko-chan! We're ready to start as soon as the two troublemakers are done with their suicide runs," Sayuri informed Aida.

The rest of the team except Tora and Kana were sitting on a bench reviewing their plan for their match against Seirin.

"Okay, since Giichi-kun is not here yet, Hitomi-chan will our eyes in the sky. We have seen what these guys can do. Don't let their screens touch you and get the ball as much as you can," Sayuri explain the plan again.

"Hey, Tora! Are you done yet?" Fumiko shouted at the court for Tora.

"Two more!" She calls back, running to their second last suicide run. "Phew! Kana are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Kana panted while adjusting her hearing aids.

"Please line up," Aida is the referee for their game.

Sayuri, Chika, Kana, Asuga and Tora lined up in front of Hyuga, Kiyoshi, Izuki, Kagami and Kuroko.

"Bow! Ginnotani High versus Seirin High basketball match commence!" Both teams bowed and disperse to their positions.

Both centre players, Kagami and Asuga stood in the middle for the ball. Kagami couldn't help but feel superior as Asuga was a girl and is shorter than he. He knew he was going to get the ball. The whistle blows and Seirin players had the shock of their life seeing Asuga jumping high and getting the ball faster than Kagami can.

She landed perfectly on the floor and pass the ball to Sayuri. Izuki was the first to snap out of it and ran after the ball.

"Hyuga!" He shouted.

Soon, everyone is chasing after the ball. From one end to the other. Neither team has scored, and four minutes left to end the first quarter.

"These girls are good!" The boys on the court thought the same.

"Nashida-chan! Sayuri-chan is opened!" Hitomi shouted from the sidelines.

"Go, Seirin! Go!" Substitutes on the benches cheered.

Sayuri dribbled expertly half the court. She collaborated with Tora telepathically to screen Izuki and Hyuga that came for the ball. Tora sensed their stiffen builds, amazed at how she managed to block the two of them.

Sayuri passed the ball to Chika and with nobody blocking her, Chika shoots a three-pointer. The ball goes through the hoop. The girls on the bench cheered. Kuroko stood at the end under the hoop looking around to pass at his teammates when the buzzer ended.

"Yes!" The girls cheered.

"We have the control of the game. Let's keep it that way," Sayuri panted as she chugs on her water bottle.

"Tora-chan, here," Kagome handed Tora a bottle of water.

"Thank you, Kagome-chan."

"When is Giichi-kun coming?" Everyone couldn't tell if Chika is blushing or is it just heat from the tiring game.

"He'll be here soon. Hitomi-chan, we're going to keep doing what we do," Sayuri told her.

"No, the first quarter has passed. Seirin hasn't used any of their unique skills yet. They're going to use it after letting you score a three. Tora, switch to point guard and Kana, it's your turn to get rebound. Make sure you score," Hitomi eyed the dynamic duo.

On the other side of the buzzer table, Seirin's coach is disappointed. She had to knock some senses into her team's heads.

"They are Tokyo's best basketball girl team after all. They represented Japan in the basketball Olympics underage 18," Hyuga explained.

"Amazing!" The first years looked on the other side.

Their break is over, and they start their second quarter. Seirin's team tensed seeing Sayuri, Tora and Kana switching places.

"Can they do that?" They all thought.

Aida blew the whistle and the match begin with Seirin winning back two points. Ginnotani at once scoring two points back with a rebound. Tora experience first-hand with Kuroko's misdirection when he snatched the ball out of her hands. He then passed the ball to Hyuga who scored three points.

She took the ball at the line and waited for Kana to get to her position. During matches, Kana must take off her hearing aids to prevent damages so Tora communicates with her through sign language. But the disadvantage is that she had to wait till Kana meets her eyes.

"Kana!" Tora yelled and threw the ball past the half court.

"Wow!" She heard the bench players exclaimed.

Tora ran forward and got the ball from Kana. She dribbles past Kiyoshi and did a layup to score. Now, the score is 65 to 49. The second quarter is over.

Heavy pants could be heard. Dripping sweat could be seen visible. The thudding of their hearts beats rapidly. Seirin couldn't believe a girl team would beat them. They decided to change tactics and it's time for Kuroko to do his vanishing drive.

The third quarter game started, and it worked. The score moved 78 to 82. They caught up but Ginnotani is catching up not too far back. Though this is happening, the Ginnotani girls couldn't help but worry. They lost the element of surprise by switching roles, and they knew Tora and Kana are on par with Kagami and Kukoro.

When the third quarter end, the door swung open. Giichi rushed in but only to meet Sayuri's wrath.

"Where were you? — Nevermind that, we're losing. What should we do now?"

"30 seconds summary of what's happening. Go," Giichi only said and Hitomi explained it all.

Finally, Giichi simply replied in a serious tone. "Switch back to your original position and layup fast."

"You heard what he said. Ginnotani, fight!" They cheered and goes into the court for the last quarter.

Between Kagami's slam dunking and Tora's layup, they were tied. But a minute before the timer buzz, Ginnotani scored a three-pointer.

"Yes!" They cheered loudly and hugged each other. "We won!"

"Line up! Seirin versus Ginnotani, 90 to 93! Bow!"

"Thank you so much!"

"Good work, boys!" Tora winked and walked to the bench.

Kuroko came to a halt. He clutched his chest momentarily, feeling his heart skipped a beat.

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