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"Bye, guys!" Tora immediately caught the next bus to meet Kuroko at a fast food restaurant.

In the restaurant, Kuroko nervously checks the time on his phone. Tora had not come yet, making him anxious. A breeze of wind reached his legs indicating someone opened the door. Tora immediately spotted Kuroko's blue hair.

She sneaked behind and surprised him with a kiss on his cheek. Kuroko stumbled, shocked at her action.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Captain Nishikawa wanted to see us. It's about our tournament that was misread. Our first match is next week," Tora settled down, sitting on the opposite of Kuroko.

"It's okay. Who are you up against first?"

"Just an old rival, Juryoku Girls High," They stood up to buy their food.

"An old rival?" Kuroko inquired.

"Yeah. The third years defeated them consecutively but Sayuri knows they have been training hard. And so are we," They ordered, paid their food and walked back to their seats.

"I see. Are you going to be playing?"

"Of course, but only in the third and last quarter. Me and Kana. The upperclasswomen will be playing first for old time's sake," They chatted about everything.

Kuroko telling Tora about what their old friends were like. Bringing her up to date with their basketball. Overall just getting to know each other and falling more in love.

"How is the situation with your mother?"

"Like you said, I'll get over it though I still need closure from her. Other than that, I think I'll be fine," Tora reassures Kuroko.

"You know, I just want to let you know that you're one of the only few people who acknowledges my presence. I appreciate that," Kuroko suddenly bring up.

"Really? How could they miss you? You need to smile more. Like this!" Tora smiled widely at him.

He laughed in response and smiled as widely as hers. "Like this?"

"Yeah! Bigger!" They burst out laughing.

"It's a school night. I should get you home," Kuroko reluctantly announced.

Tora too feels reluctant to leave. She groans and sloppily drags her bag. They walked out of the restaurant and Kuroko walked her to the bus stop.

"Tora-chan! Come on!" Kuroko stopped for Tora to catch up.

"But I don't want to leave just yet. The night is still young!" Tora whines.

"Okay. There's a night market down the street. If you're up for it?" Kuroko suggested.

"Of course, I'm up for it! Let's go!" Tora lit up and pulls Kuroko to lead the way.

The street was crowded, and their hands were still in each other's when they arrived. They stopped at one food stall for Kuroko to try the fried calamari.

"It's nice, Tetsuya-chan! Try it! Please, do it for me!" Tora shoved the deceived onion ring look alike in Kuroko's face.

He let out a sigh. "Fine." and took a small bite out of the food.

"Isn't it nice?" Tora giggled and ate calamari.

Kuroko took a fuller bite, tasting the flavour in his tongue. He drooled and nodded excitedly.

Tora laughs. "See! I told you so. And look! They have mini-games. Let's go and play!"

"Slow down, Tora-chan," Kuroko grins at her excitement.

It was a toss a ring on a bottle game. Kuroko paid the game master and got three rings to play. He passed one to Tora and she tried it. Of course, all three rings stuck on top of three different bottles. Thus, Kuroko winning a stuffed animal for Tora.

"Wait, what?! No way! You win it! It's yours, Tetsuya-chan," Tora laughed at how modest Kuroko is.

"Okay, but I will name it after you, Tora-chan and it's a stuffed tiger too. Your name means tigress, right?"

"Oh, yes! It does!" They laughed together.

From a distance, Chika and Giichi smirked at each other.

"Don't they look cute together?" Chika sighs dreamily.

"We look cute together too, my Yuki!" Giichi cooed.

"I'm talking about them!" Chika fumes.

Giichi laughs at Chika's reaction, thinking it was cute. Moving onto the next booth, Tora and Kuroko sat in front of a fortune teller. Tora insisted on paying this time and they both waited patiently while the fortune teller read the tarot cards that they both have chosen.

"For you, Nashida-san, you will experience victory," The fortune teller revealed a picture of a trophy on the card.

"Of course, we would win the Spring cup!" Tora boasted.

"Then you will experience the feeling of content... Followed by..." The last card showed a black card.

"Excuse me. What does that mean?" Kuroko interrupted.

"It's, um. It means you will experience... A dead end," The fortune teller was unsure on how to put it as she felt like she was scaring the two teenagers.

She moved on and opens Kuroko's cards. A big heart shape occupies almost the entire first card making Kuroko's face glowed red. So was Tora's. The second card was the same as Tora's second card but the third was a picture of an angel.

"Kuroko-san, do not worry. It means an angel will be watching over you for the rest of your life," The fortune teller offered them both a warm smile.

"Thank you, fortune teller-san," They bowed to the old lady in costume and left.

"That was unreal! I've never tried fortune telling before!" Tora exclaimed but Kuroko was elsewhere. "Tetsuya-chan? You don't really believe in what she said, do you?"

"Your last card worries me," Kuroko admitted.

"You don't have to be. Two out of the three cards are positive. I'll be fine but yours. Who could this angel be?" Tora nudges Kuroko's side.

"Maybe she's right beside me," Kuroko blurted out.

"You're too sweet, Tetsuya-chan," Tora giggled.

Kuroko faked a smile, hiding his disappointment that Tora didn't get what he really meant. He walked her to the bus stop as it was really getting late. They wished each other goodbye and separated ways.

Her house was still empty like when before she left. Tora got ready for bed but cleans up her school bag first. Then she lies awake on her bed.

She really didn't believe in fortune telling but it does make her wonder about the dead end that she will hit. She figures it will happen after the team won Spring cup. That is a month away, maybe she can worry then. Tora falls asleep.

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