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When the girl basketball team reached Ginnotani High, they gathered at their gym for a short debrief. They sat on the floor while Sayuri and Giichi sat on the bench in front of them.

Sayuri took out a piece of paper. The air tensed because the girls know what that piece of paper holds. It is for their next tournament to defend their title as champion. They must keep training and remain superior as champions.

The upperclasswomen trained hard every day to reach the champion. That's why Tora join their team, so she could help them balance when to have fun and when not to. They looked through the brackets thoroughly.

Giichi promised to get their opponent's match tape so that they can all study together. They would meet up four times a week with three practices and one day for theory lessons. Ginnotani High basketball girl team will not lose so long as they all work hard.

"What do you think of Seirin, Kana?" The two best friends walked home together as they lived near to each other.

"I think they're ordinary," Kana monotonously spoke.

"Um. Okay, and Kagami?" The truth is despite always being kept to herself, Kana is the light to Tora's shadow.

"Rage fuels his strength. I am quite the opposite," Kana smiled for the first time that day.

"Yeah, I get what you mean. The four of us are different yet the same. Tetsuya-chan mental state is ten out of ten. I just want to have fun," Tora shrugs.

"You'll remember soon enough," Kana patted her best friend's back.

"Okay, then. I'll see you tomorrow. We're watching that new movie together, right?" They arrived at Tora's house.

"Yes. Don't be late. I'll get you," Kana warns.

Her friend waved her hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah."

Tora went into her house to be greeted by her mother. She sat on the step to take off her shoes while her mother took her bag from her.

"How was training, honey?"

"Awesome as always. Thanks for sending Kana and me to Seirin just now, mama," They hugged.

"It's no problem. I was on my way to work anyway. Go and shower. I'll prepare dinner for you. Your father just came back from his work too."

"Okay," Tora went to her room to change and shower.

She set her bag aside and took off her jacket. She caught a glimpse of her trophy case and immediately look away. Her past tried to haunt her, but she walked out of the room and into the toilet to shower. Hot water hits her back, easing her tensed and aching shoulders.

She quickly dried off and change. She went straight to the dining table, ignoring the urge to go into her bedroom. Her parents talked about their day while eating dinner.

"So, how was your day, Tora?" Her father asked. "You're playing with your food. Eat more!"

"I'm not hungry anymore, papa. Thank you for the meal, mama. I think I'm finished now," Tora sighed and stood up with her bowl.

She put it in the sink and went out, leaving her family anxious at her actions. She put on her shoes and went out of the house. She walked around the neighbourhood aimlessly in the middle of the night.

4 years ago, Tora was caught in an accident. She was walking home from middle school with her friends when an expensive new car knocked her down. They were crossing the street. Being the troublemaker that Tora was, she ran ahead after teasing one of her friends.

She didn't remember waking up. She didn't remember anything. She remembers sitting alone in the white and blank hospital room. Her head heavily bandaged. She couldn't feel anything. She was numb. Doctors sent her to another hospital and her family had to move to a new house and move schools.

But if there's one thing she could remember the moment she woke up is that she has always loved basketball.

A fallen trashcan lid dropping startled her. She didn't hesitate to approach it and put it back. A sudden gust of wind blew, and she realised she was on one of the main streets. People moved around her normally trying to get home as soon as possible. Bright streetlights blinding her sight momentarily.

"Tora-chan?" The familiar voice of Kuroko startled her.

"Oh, hey, Tetsu–" He wasn't alone.

He was with six more of his friends. They were tall and one of them is a girl. They stared at her as if they are seeing a ghost. Tora looked around, making sure they were looking at her. Kuroko approached her to say hello.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just needed some fresh air. I better get going. My mother might kill me if she finds out I went out. Bye, Tetsuya-chan," Tora quickly ran in the opposite direction.

"Okay, bye," Kuroko walked back to his friends. "Sorry, that was–"

"Tora?" Akashi stared at the direction that Tora went, speaking everyone's mind.

"Oh, you know her?"

"Kurokocchi, don't you remember her? She was once our friend!" Kise facepalmed.

"Even I remember Shida-chin, Koro-chin," Murasakibara chewed on his potato chips.

Kuroko paused. The friends offered him looks of giving up.

"She's the one who transferred out of our middle school because she had an amnesia," Momoi explained.

"Oh! That's her?" Kuroko's heart beats weirdly again.

No wonder she looks like someone I know, he thought. Standing in front of him, they all felt a sudden feeling of remorse especially Akashi. On that eventful day, Akashi was the friend who Tora was teasing.

From that moment onwards, the survivor's guilt had been eating him alive. Not to mention, her parents didn't allow any of them to visit her at the hospital. Her parents blamed them for being so careless hence moving schools and houses. It couldn't be helped. They were just growing children after all.

"Her love for basketball hasn't changed one bit," Aomine smirked.

"She is in Tokyo's top basketball girl team," Midorima pushes his glasses up with his left bandage fingers and carefully balance his lucky item for the day, a small silver toy car.

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