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The afternoon she sneaked out, Tora's mother was angry at her for disobeying. Tora lied saying that she sends Kana to the bus stop and went to buy sanitary pads.

"I had some in my room! You're grounded, young lady. You're coming home straight away after school..."


"Do you want me to request to your basketball coach to bench you?" Her mother threatens.

Tora let out a frustrated groan and slammed her bedroom door. She sat on her bed, anger boiling. Knuckles balled in her fist making it turned white. Then she remembers. She opens the door and marches to her mother in the living room.

"Tell me the truth about the accident that day."

"Honey, what are you talking about?" she switched off the television.

"That day. After school. You said a car knocked me down. Who was driving it, mama?" Tora pressured.

"It doesn't matter. It was one of your friends who pushed you–"

"Damn it! Tell me the truth!"

"Okay," Tora's mother hang her head in shame. "I confessed, it was me. I was driving the car. I was on my way to pick you up from school to surprise you with the new car. But it was the other way around. I'm sorry–"

"No! Do you know how much I suffered from the accident? It wasn't just amnesia! I had anxiety and depression! I didn't know who else to trust! All the nightmares and the sudden confusing flashbacks! Did it ever occur to you that I'd rather remember my old life than to start a new one? I hate you!" Tora wanted to leave.

"No! Wait! Please! Don't leave. I'm sorry, honey. I'll make it up to you–"

"No! Let me go!" Tora snatched her arm back and ran to her room.

"Honey? Tora? Open the door, honey. Please! Let me make it up to you–" The traitor tried to open the locked door.

"No! Leave me alone!" Tora shouted and curled in a ball under her blanket.

She covered her ears to ignore her mother's pleas. Tears slide down her cheek and she choke on a sob. When her mother finally left, Tora cried. Her sadness was being let out just as she receives a message.

>From Tetsuya Kuroko<
>To Tora Nashida<
I hoped you had fun today. Thank you for coming by even though your mother didn't allow you. We'll see each other soon at your tournament. I'll be cheering you on! (:

The text message brings a smile to Tora's face even when she was going to sleep. The next morning was fast. Her lessons go as per normal as well as lunchtime. She avoided her parents, so she didn't eat breakfast nor took her lunchbox. Kana notices her distant behaviour.

"Tora, here," She puts her lunchbox on Tora's desk.

"Um. It's fine. I'm not hungry. I had a heavy breakfast," Tora lied.

"I packed more. It's okay. Take it," Kana insisted.

"No," Tora glared and stood up to go to the toilet.

Kana's eyes widen and stared down at her lunchbox, thinking of what might have happened the night before. Instead of making her way to the toilet, Tora walked to the rooftop. The wind blew coldly, sending a shiver down her spine.

The bell to tell students that lunchtime is over rang. Tora made her way slowly to her classroom. When she reached her seat and the lesson started, she slowly drifted to sleep. Behind her, Kana observed her friend.

She notices the dark circles under Tora's usually glowing eyes but now it dimmed. Kana figures that Tora had confronted her mother about the accident. She did remember the way Tora reacted when she asked her this morning. School ended, and practice starts early.

Sayuri had a meeting with the rest of the club's captains so she and Giichi came later. Tora and Kana did basic passes when Kana suggested playing one on one to which Tora tiredly agreed. The upperclasswomen who were already there surveyed Tora.

They knew something is not right. They assembled when the twins arrived. They greeted the higher status students and dispersed to a match between each other. When Sayuri came out of the changing room, she immediately sees the scores. She too sensed an unnatural scarlet aura surrounding Tora.

The game ended, and Tora's team lost. Tora's veteran approaches her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Fumiko gently placed her hand on Tora's shoulder.

"Yeah," Though her actions, brushing off her senior's hand of her shoulder, says otherwise.

"You know that if there's anything bothering you at all, you can come and talk to me. I'm here for you," Fumiko reminded.

Tora sighed. "If only you can find me a solution too."

A whistle blow and Giichi made everybody ran laps around the gym. They did individual training and teamwork exercises to end the day. Tora was the first to go out the door. Nobody knows where or when she left.

The sky was just about to set when Tora arrived at the deserted beach. She set her bag to her side and took off her shoes. She planted her feet in the sand as the wind tried to blow her away.

She watched as the remaining light from the sun vanishes into the horizon. Then she felt a presence taking a seat next to her.

"I confronted my mother," She wiped the wet sand from her feet.

"Everyone is looking for you. They are worried and so was I when Kana texted me. I came immediately," Kuroko spoke.

"I didn't mean to. I just need some time to myself to think," Tora apologised.

"You should have at least told someone."

"I know. I don't want people to be there for me. I want people to be here with me," She emphasised.

"I'm here with you," Kuroko smiled. "Come on. Tell me what's wrong. It will help you make your decisions wisely."

"Why would I make any decisions?" Tora wondered.

"I don't know," Kuroko knows Tora is having a tough time whether to forgive her mother or not. "Just speak your mind. I'll help you if I can."

"I just hate the fact that my mother kept the truth for me," Tora let out a long sigh.

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