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"Let's go, Ginnotani! Let's go!" The crowd cheered.

"Go, Ginnotani! Go!" A specific group was the loudest.

It was the least they can do. They have to keep supporting them even after their good friend has died.

"Look at number 4 go! She ran past number 19 from the opposing team like a pro!" The commentator shouted over the microphone.

"Go, Kana! Go!" They cheered.

"This is so intense! They're tied!" Momoi grips onto Aomine.

"Woman! You're pinching me!" He glared.

"One more, Ginnotani! Fight!" Seirin cheered.

"You can do it, Sayuri-chan!" Aida screamed, watching her friend on the court play.

"4 seconds left, and Fuyu Academy is in the lead!"

"You can do this! Do it for Tora!" Kuroko shouted at the top of his lungs.

There was a minute of silence before the whole stadium erupts with cheering. The two girls team stood in front of each other and bowed.

"Fuyu Academy versus Ginnotani High, 90 to 91. Bow!"

"Thank you very much!" They dispersed to their benches before the finale ceremony.

Ginnotani's coach and captain gathered the team in a circle for a few words.

"Tora would be so proud of us," Sayuri sent a chill down everyone's spine and soon the waterworks came.

"She will! She will!" They hugged each other.

Tora's transparent spirit appeared next to Kuroko as he watched Ginnotani High each received their medals and the big trophy. He smiled wide as they rejoiced.

"Are you seeing this, Tora? You would be down there celebrating with them right now. I hope everything is okay up there. I missed you so much," Kuroko sighed sadly.

The spirit of Tora smiled warmly and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Kuroko feels a tint of chill and places his hand over his cheek. A small smile briefly crossed his lips.

The End

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