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"Good morning, Tora," Kana greeted her as soon as the front door opened.

"Good morning," Tora acknowledged back with a yawn.

Tora was already dressed and ready to go. She took her purse and said goodbye to her mother to which she responded to be careful.

"You're already up when I come," Kana noted.

"Of course! This is the movie of the year!" They walked to the kerb to cross the road.

They took the train to the shopping mall in town. They ate brunch at a coffee shop and buys tickets to watch the movie. At 3 o'clock, the movie started. The two girls sat side by side with their popcorn bag and drinks. The movie was in the most suspense part when two boys came in, making a lot of noise.

"Shhh!" Someone whispered.

"Takao, shut up," Midorima whispered to his overexcited friend.

"But where are our seats, Shin-chan?" Takao whines, almost tripping on some popcorn on the dirty rugged floor.

"Right here beside them," Midorima answered as they stood at the edge of the seats where Kana and Tora were sitting.

"Excuse me. Sorry!" Takao sneaked in front of them to get to their seat.

"Tsk!" Tora hissed as she almost missed a second of the movie because of the distraction.

The two boys sat next to them with Midorima sitting next to Tora. They didn't realise they were sitting next to each other in the dark room. The movie captivated their attention until the end.

"I want to hate this movie, but I can't. We have to wait another year for the sequel now," Tora groaned when the lights were switched on.

The green-haired boy next to her froze at the sound of her voice. They waited for the post-credit scene while others were starting to move out of the theatre.

Was she sitting next to me this whole time? Midorima thought. The post credit scene started, and he couldn't focus because of his ex-best friend in middle school. The screen went black and the lights were fully switched on now.

"I cried many times during the movie. Let us drown our sadness at the arcades, Kana," Tora stood up after her friend.

"Hey, Shin-chan. Shin-chan? Hello?" Takao shakes Midorima who was still frozen. "Are you okay?"

"I used to know the girl sitting next to me," Midorima pushes his glasses up.

"Oh. Who is she?" They take their leave too.

"Just an old friend from middle school," He answered.

"Let's go and eat! Popcorn wasn't enough for me. I'm still hungry," Takao led the way to a food place.

Just as they stepped on the escalator, in the end, Tora and Kana got off to the arcades level. Tora excitedly pulls her friend's hand to her favourite game: the basketball game.

"Seriously?" Kana shakes her head.

"First to 100 wins?" The redhead started putting in coins.

"If you can keep up," Kana smirked and puts in coins into the machine too.

They both started at the same times and scored as many as they could. Kana was losing but quickly caught up when Tora made a mistake to tell her secret.

"Just shoot to the rhythm of the music playing," She advised.

In the end, Kana won. Paper tokens rolled out of the machine with ease. Tora sulked.

"No fair. I shouldn't have told you my game hack."

"Let's play that one. I'm sure you can beat me," Kana pointed to the dance machine.

"You know for a fact that I would!" That satisfied Tora and she brightened up.

They continued playing for a few rounds and other games, collecting game tokens to win cat ears and stuffed bears. They attempted to play the claw machine but failed horribly. Just as they were about to give up trying to win lollipops, someone offered to play for them.

"Why don't I give it a try?" Midorima offered to his clueless old friend.

"I mean if you can," Tora notices his left bandaged fingers. "Um. Wait. I don't think you should play with your hand hurt like that–"

"His hand is not injured. He's just being dramatic and wrapped it unless he's playing basketball," Takao laughed.

"You guys play basketball too?" Tora gushes.

"Yeah! Which school do you go to? We're from Shutoku High," Takao conversed.

"Oh, I see. We're from Ginnotani High."

"Wow! Wait! You're– um. Wait, I know you. You look familiar. What's your name again?"

"Um. My name is Tora Nashida, and this is my best friend, Kana Yoshigaraha–"

"Nashida-kun! You're in Basketball Monthly! And Yoshigaraha-kun too!"

"Oh, yes. We were–"

"You guys won the Basketball Olympics for girls under age 18 teams, right?"

"Yeah! –" They were interrupted by Midorima offering the girls two lollipops that he quietly won while they were talking.

"Thank you so much. I never got your names," Tora took the candies and pass it to Kana.

"Shintarou Midorima," He pushes his glasses up, hiding his disappointment that she forgot.

"I'm Kazunari Takao. Nice to meet you!" They shook hands.

"Anyway, we're going to get dinner if you want to join us?" Tora offered.

"We just ate–"

"Yes! Anything to stay longer and chat with you talented girls," Takao interrupted Midorima.

"Um. Thanks, I guess. Let's go," The girls led the way.

Behind them, Midorima hits Takao on his head. Takao flinches and rubs his head.

"What was that for?"

"We just ate and now you want to eat again?"

"You don't get many opportunities like meeting girls who can play basketball professionally. Besides, didn't you said you know Nashida-kun?"

"Yes, but that was a long time ago. She has forgotten me," Midorima explained sadly.

"Then, this is your chance so that she will remember you again!" Takao encouraged.

"Guys! This way!" Tora called out, seeing that the two boys drifted.

"Coming!" Takao shouted. "Now or never, Shin-chan."

Midorima sighed and go with the flow, taking a seat in the booth opposite of Tora. They were ordering from the waiter when a familiar face appeared.

"Midorimacchi! Oh? Nashidacchi?" A wild Kise appeared by their table.


"Do I know you?" Tora looked at Kise, baffled.

author's note

can you guys guess which movie i was referring too? i have already watched the sequel to the movie. a hint, im beyond devastated. i miss them already T^T

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