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"What?! How can you forget me, Nashidacchi?" Kise dramatically bawled and hugs Midorima.

"Get off of me, Kise," Midorima glowed an unnatural green aura.

"Okay, okay! Well, then, mind if I join you guys?" He slides next to Tora.

"Nope. But you're paying for your own food," Tora shrugs.

"What? Nashidacchi, you would always help me pay my food and I would treat you to something else. Geez, I like the old Nashida better," He mumbled the last part.

"You know who I was? Before the..." Tora drifted to a silence.

Kana held her hand under the table for support. The three boys stared at her as she sunk into her seat.

"How do you know me? Midori used to know me as well?" Midorima jerked at the sound of his name being called by Tora.

"Yes, we were all schoolmates in Teiko Middle School," He pushes his glasses up.

"How much do you remember? I was your bestest friend, Nashidacchi," Kise grins innocently.

"I only remember being in a hospital. I don't know what I was doing there nor did I remember why until my parents told me."

"What did they say?" Takao joins in.

"That one of my friends pushed me onto the road and a car hits me," She trembled.

"What?! That's a lie!" Kise shouted, earning stares.

"Shh!" Kana warned him.

"Sorry, sorry! But that's a big fat lie! Is this why you transferred schools and moved houses?"

"I think so. I've always felt like I could never get that huge part of me back. It's like when I did get into that accident, someone else came out-"

"There's only one way to find out though," Kise hinted.

"What is it?" Tora looks at him in confusion.

"Basketball, Nashidacchi. You weren't like Momoicchi. You can play. You are one of the only few people who could beat Aominecchi!"

"Who is Aomine?"

"Oh! Oh! How about a reunion? All eight of us? Like old times? Maybe that could help you remember more!" Kise suggested.

"Can Kana come too?" Tora asked, introducing her friend to her old friend.

"Oh! You were on Basketball Monthly. I've heard of you!"

"That was what I said!" Takao laughed.

"Okay, how about we meet tomorrow? The whole gang will be there, and you can bring Kana with you," Kise was already texting on his phone.

"Um. Okay," They finished eating and separated ways to go home with Tora's number saved in Kise's phone.

"I'm home! Mama?" Tora called out.

She found her mother in the living room, folding clothes. She approached her quietly, startling her mother.

"How was your day?" Her mother asked.

"It was good. I'm going out again tomorrow to meet some old friends from my old middle school, Teiko," Tora's announcement made her mother's action stopped.

"Old friends from Teiko?" Her forehead creased from frowning. "No, I don't allow it."

"What? Why not? Kana is coming along with me too-" Tora begins to protest.

"I said no!" Her mother hissed and picked up the folded clothes to put them away.

"Why not? Why can't I see them? Huh, mama? Mama!"

"Because they're the reasons you got into that accident! They're the reasons you forgot! I could have lost you! Do you know how much pain it caused me just seeing you in the hospital?" Tears threatened to escape from her mother's eyes.

Tora stood there, frowning.

"I don't allow it," Her mother decided, sending Tora storming to her room.

Tora knows her mother has good intentions but keeping her from her old friends is like keeping her from her old life. The one she had before the accident. She had many loose ends in her heads. She keeps having sudden flashbacks that didn't make sense.

She wants answers and her family isn't giving her any. Even her brother who had moved out to university refused to say anything. She paces around the room, texting Kana about her situation.

>From Kana Yoshigaraha<
>To Tora Nashida<
How about I meet your friends for you and tell them that you cannot make it?

Because of this, Kana was sent to a basketball court to meet Tora's old friends on her behalf the next day. Kise, Kuroko, Akashi, Aomine, Momoi, Murasakibara and Midorima waited for their last friend to arrive.

"Um. Excuse me?" Kana spoke, getting their attention.

"Oh? Hey, Yoshicchi! Where's Nashidacchi?" Kise greeted her.

"Yeah, that's the thing. I'm here on her behalf. She apologises for not being able to come. Her mother doesn't want her to come and meet you-"

"What do you mean?" Momoi asked.

"She means what she means. That old hag doesn't allow Tora to see us because of what happened the last time," Aomine stops dribbling the basketball.

"Why does she hate us so much? We didn't even do anything!" Kise groaned.

"What I want to know is why hasn't her mother told her the truth yet," Akashi butted in.

"Excuse me. Did you say the truth?" Kana inquired.

"We didn't push Shida-chin onto the street," Murasakibara explained while munching on some food.

"Tora-chan ran ahead to save a cat when a car came out of nowhere. The driver was none other than her own mother," Kuroko added.

"Her own mother?!" Kana gasped.

"Yeah. She didn't want us to tell Nashidacchi. That's why she doesn't want us to see her anymore. Trust me, we didn't want anything else except for Tora to wake up," Kise sighed.

"We went to see her when we heard that she has woken up, but they already transferred her to another hospital and no one was at home every time we went to her old house," Momoi explained gloomily.

"I didn't know all of these. I mean, Tora told me everything she knows. But one thing she always felt like it's not right is that she's missing something. Like a part of her is missing," Kana told them.

"Well, there's nothing we can do now. How about we meet her some other day?" Akashi suggested.

"We have practice tomorrow. Maybe she can meet you afterwards."

"That's not a bad idea. Do you have her number?"

"I do!" Kise raised his hand as he answered Kuroko.

"How did you get her number?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Midorimacchi and I ate dinner with her yesterday with Yoshicchi and Takaocchi. No big deal," Kise shrugs.

Only Kana sensed Kuroko's weird blue aura glowing. She smirks.


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