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"That's easy for you to cope. Just accept the fact and move on with your life," Kuroko put it bluntly.

"It's not that easy. I lost 4 years of my life trying to remember my past," Tora's eyes swell with tears.

"You didn't have to–"

"I do! It keeps haunting me and I can't go on with my life, saying that I'm fine! I'm not! I can't go to sleep without nightmares and I can't talk about my old middle school when I moved schools! You think it's that easy, huh, Kuroko? Be in my shoes for once.

"How do you think I feel when my mother was the knock to hit me with her car? Terrible! I feel like I couldn't trust anyone anymore! Not even my family! Where were you? Where were you when I needed you? Probably somewhere playing basketball because that's what you only care about!"

Tora fell onto the sand, sobbing. Kuroko instantly felt bad. He reached for her and cradle her in his arm. He caressed her head while she cried onto his chest, soaking his shirt.

From afar, Tora's mother sobbed quietly, finally seeing her happy determined little girl broke down before her eyes. She didn't mean to keep anything from her. She was just afraid of how her daughter would react. But now, 4 years late, she should have told her.

Like Akashi, she too had guilt. After all, she was the one who knocked down her own daughter. Not just physically but mentally. She didn't know it would affect how Tora plays basketball.

Tora sniffled, wiping away her tears.

"Feeling better?" Kuroko offered her a warm smile, making her heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah, I do. Thank you for being here with me," She replied.

Then, she notices how near their faces were to each other. The way their pupils dilated at the beautiful person in front of them. The way their heart beat rapidly making their breaths uneven. The way the butterflies flutter in their stomachs making it churned.

Their foreheads touched, and their eye contact didn't break. They leaned further, and their lips met in the middle. My first kiss, they thought at the same time. There's no one else I'd rather have it with.

They pulled away with red cheeks but their arms still around each other.

"That was... Um..." Tora stuttered.

"Magical. I like it," Kuroko admitted.

"I like it too," Tora giggled.

"We should get you home. It's late," He picked up her bag.

"Okay," She nodded and put on her shoes.

Kuroko accompanied Tora to the bus stop until the bus comes. They sat hand in hand with Tora's head on Kuroko's shoulder, almost falling asleep due to a tiring day.

"Would you like to eat dinner with me tomorrow?" Kuroko asked before Tora boarded the bus.

"I would love to, Tetsuya-chan. See you," She smile and waved tiredly.

>From Tetsuya Kuroko<
>To Tora Nashida<
I look forward to tomorrow. Sleep well. I'll keep the nightmares away for you. Good night~

The next morning was unexpected. Tora got dressed for school and creep to the kitchen for breakfast only to meet a letter from her mother.

Dear Tora,

I'm sorry for keeping the accident a secret from you. I know you're mad at me and I completely understand if you don't forgive me but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. I made you pancakes and left your dinner money on the table. I'll be coming home late tonight with your father. We're going to visit your grandmother. Stay safe and I love you.

Love, mama.

P.s. Text me when you wake up.

Tora sighed and put the letter away. She sends a quick text to her mother and ate her breakfast. When she opens the front door to leave for the day, Kana was about to knock.

"Good morning!" Tora chirped, startling Kana.

"Um. Good morning. How are you?" They walked out of the porch and into the neighbourhood to go to school.

"I'm feeling better. Had a good night sleep. My mother didn't bother me at all and I finally ate. So, I'm all good now. I'm really sorry about yesterday. I feel horrible. I'll make it up to you tomorrow," Tora pulled her friend into a side hug.

"It's fine. I totally get it. But why not tonight? I rented a horror movie that I want to watch with you and there's no practice today," Kana suggested.

"I can't tonight. I'm having dinner with Tetsuya-chan."

"What?!" Kana exclaimed, coming to a halt, and tugging on Tora's arm. "Are you guys dating? I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

"Wait, what?! No! You're getting the wrong idea!"

"Getting the wrong idea? Okay, tell me. Is anyone else going on this dinner date?"

"No..." Tora took a step back to realise but Kana was already smirking. "Oh, my God! It is a date! He asked me on a date!"

The two girls squealed together and almost missing the bus. They sat at the back and burst out giggling.

"Took you long enough! You should have seen when Kise told him he has your number first. Kuroko was so jealous!" Kana told her.

"Really? What did he do?" Tora was intrigued.

"He had a one on one match with Kise when Kise refused to give," They burst out laughing.

"Aw! Who won though?"

"I don't know. I left to go to your house. He might have won though. He did beat all of them in the winter cup."

"Yeah. If it weren't for the Olympics, we would have totally gone and watched their matches," Tora scoffed.

"You and Kuroko would have been together already," Kana teased.

"Shut up!" Her friend shoves her shoulder.

They arrived at the bus stop near their school a few minutes later. They continued their day as it is. Going through lessons and classes until they got a text from their captain, telling them to meet her at the gym for a short meeting.

"Thank you for gathering, everyone. We have some urgent announcement," Giichi started off as soon as everyone arrived.

"As you all know the spring season is upon us and our first tournament of the year is beginning. Our beloved coach here misread the date for our first match," Sayuri announced, making the girls glare at Giichi.

"Our first match is next week against Joryoku Girls High," Making the hair on the back of Tora's neck stand.

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