Mary Morstan

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*Hey everyone! Do you like this fic so far? If not I can just delete this if ya'll want. Please give advice on how to improve and some ideas for any Destiel fics* 

   Once John finally made it into the cafe, he ordered a small coffee, and sat down on a wooden chair by the window which were adorned with velvet curtains. John let out a long sigh and thought about what had just happen. He thought for a while before his coffee was served at his table. He paid the waiter and took a few sips of his coffee as he looked out the window and thought again. He thought about Sherlock and what had just happened.

    As John thought, the door of the cafe opened causing a little bell above the door to ring. John looked up to see a young woman with short blonde hair standing at the door. She had a light complexion and her cheeks were pink from the winter breeze. John couldn’t help but stare, she was beautiful. She looked around the cafe as she took of her coat. She walked up to the counter before ordering a coffee and leaning against it, John still watching her. She kept looking around before she was handed her coffee. She looked around a bit more before glancing at John, causing him to quickly look away. The woman took a sip of her coffee before walking up to John’s table and sitting across from him. John looked at her in confusion “May I help you?” He asked her. She smiled and took another sip of her coffee. “I hope you don’t mind me sitting here. There was nowhere else to sit…” It was true. There were barely any available chairs at the cafe besides the one across him. “N-no. I don’t mind.” He said taking a sip of his coffee. She smiled again and extended her hand. “Mary Morstan. Nice to meet you.” John smiled and shook her hand. “John Watson. Pleasure.”

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