Authors Note

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Hello everyone!! This will be a short author's note (hopefully) so don't worry.

The next chapter (or two) will probably be the last. Yes this will be ending soon.

I really beed to finish my fanfics cause school is coming up and ish.

I have two Supernatural fics I'm currently working on.

• You Found Me (a Destiel/Sabriel highschool love story AU)
• Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop (Sabriel Coffee Shop AU)

So yea I need to work on those.

I also really love writing but I hate it at the same time because I'm writing something and I want something to happen and there's like sixty-million ways I could do it!! Also I have so many ideas for more fanfics that I want to write them all at once but I can't cause that's too much for me.

But I will give ya'll a little heads up for something I'm planning on writing!

It's a.

Destiel/Sabirel Disney AU!!!!

Okay like what I'm planning is like Dean and Sam and Cas this Gabe is dead right?

Well he isn't! And he reveals himself to Team Free Will by putting them in a Disney fantasy world!!

But they will be in different stories!

Dean and Cas will be in two and Sam and Gabe will be in two! Totally different stories and the two couples can't reach each other!

Dean and Cas will be in
• The Little Mermaid
• Rupunzel
(Dean will be the princess! But please comment on whether he should be the princess in both or in just one? If only one, which of the two?)

Sam and Gabe will be in
• Cinderella
• Sleeping Beauty
So yea that's my idea!!

Also I wanted a Candy Shop AU for Sabriel but that's something I'm still thinking about actually putting it in a plan!

So yes! Enjoy the last chapter(s) of this fanfic!! BYESSSSSS

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