Do You Love Me?

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// John's POV

He was there.

John had seen him.

They had stared at each other.

Sherlock was at his wedding.

He was hiding!

God Sherlock! Why would he show up if John had told him he never wanted to see him again?!

To be honest...John did enjoy seeing him.
Even if it was the last time.

John knew Sherlock could tell John was upset. If it was from his look, or the music piece John had played for Mary.

But oh well.

John had lost him.

John Watson had lost his consulting detective forever.


John Watson and Mary Morstan (Watson) had been married for a year.

They lived an ordinary life. Well they didn't have kids.

Well Mary wanted one but John didn't really need a kid. It didn't feel right for him.

John was sitting at his desk at work. He worked as a doctor. Again. But now not as a military one. A regular one people visited regularly.

John's shift was over so he packed up and left.

He took the tube home. He couldn't bare take any cabs. They reminded him of Sherlock.

John walked home the rest of the way.

He was tired.

He changed into some pyjamas and climbed into bed.

"How was your day sweetie?" Mary asked kissing John's cheek.

"Hmm? Oh, it was okay." John groaned.

Mary sighed and turned away from him before turning off the lights.

John lived a boring life now. Very boring.

He lived as an ordinary man now! How dull.

John wanted a life full of adventure! Full of mystery and crime!

Like the life he used to have with Sherlock.

He missed that life.

Oh how John wished he could run away and look for Sherlock to hug him and tell him how sorry he was and how happy he was to have him alive!

To tell much...

How much....he loved him.


John woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon.

John opened his eyes and sat up to stretch better.

He changed into some trousers and a jumper and headed downstairs.

"Bout time you got up." Mary sighed. "You're almost late for work!"

John looked at the clock and groaned.

He had five minutes to get to work. John grabbed a piece of bacon and ran back upstairs to change into something more formal.

He ran back downstairs and kissed Mary goodbye.


John made it to work just in time.

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