He's Getting Married

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*Hello again everyone! How do you guys like this fanfic so far? I'm really trying to get this done so I can work on my Destiel and Sabriel fics! So enjoy*

// Mycroft's POV

"Sherlock listen to me." Mycroft pleaded to his brother.

Sherlock placed the cigar back in his mouth and kept it there.

He didn't answer.

He stood by the window, staring out at the snowy streets.

Sherlock was in his brother's office. Smoking. As usual, ever since John found out he was alive and told he never wanted to see him again.

Sherlock pulled the cigar from his mouth and blew out a cloud of smoke.

"Why should I listen to you?" He choked out.

"Because I'm your brother, and I'm older.
Listen. Please. He's getting married Sherlock. You have to let him go." Mycroft stated.

Sherlock stayed quiet again and left the building.



// Sherlock's POV

Sherlock hid behind a tree. Well a group of trees, so John couldn't see him unless he looked in his direction.

He hadn't seen or spoken to John in three months.

Sherlock peeked around the tree and looked at the wedding that was taking place before him.

He didn't want to see the actually marriage with all the vows. It would hurt him too much.

Sherlock looked from behind the tree.

He saw the woman John married who he had found out was Mary.

She was hugging a few of her friends and relatives.

John wasn't there. Hmm. Probably getting ready for that wedding surprise people do all the time or something he supposed.

After a while of watching, John came out of the church. He had undone his tie and it hung loosely around his neck.

He greeted a few people before walking over to Mary.

He looked happy. But there was something wrong. Something in his eyes.

Sherlock tried and deduced him.

He was happy. But sad. Upset. Why?

John looked generally happy but he looked empty. Like he missed someone. But John was doing a good think at hiding it because...

Sherlock had no idea...

Then. John leaned into Mary and they kissed. And it broke Sherlock's heart.

He wanted his own lips against his bloggers.

He wanted to feel John's lips against his! Not see him kissing another.

It pained Sherlock. So much.

Once they parted, John walked over to a piano in the corner of the room.

He sat down on the stool by the piano and winked at Mary.

Sherlock felt tears in his eyes. But he quickly blinked them away.

Then. John began to play.

Sherlock had heard this type of music before.

A sad piece of music. But that could easily fool people into sounding like a happy one.

Sherlock wondered why John was so upset!

He had just married 'the girl of his dreams' for god's sake!

As he played, Sherlock watched and listened.

John looked up. His eyes locked with Sherlock's.

Sherlock could feel the tears in his eyes again.

John looked at him with a face of disgust.

'Why are you here?!'

'I told you I never wanted to see you again!'

'Get out of my life...just go!'

Those were the things John's expression told Sherlock.

Sherlock hid behind the trees again for a while before walking towards the street. He walked towards a car he had bought so he wouldn't cause so much commotion with a cab.

Sherlock walked in and started the engine, but didn't drive.


He cried.

He let it go. All of it.

Sherlock let his tears fall. And he cried.

He cried and cried.

Sherlock let ragged breaths escape his mouth.

He banged his fist against the rim of the steering wheel.

Sherlock cried. He cried for hours.

He thought of John Watson.

All the wonderful memories they shared and how Sherlock grew to love him.

Then he thought of how he left John. How he jumped off that building. John.

Sherlock remember when John saw him for the first time in two years...

How he told him he never wanted to see him again...how the detective just let the love of his life leave.

Sherlock's heart ached at the thought of John's lips on another.

Yea Sherlock knew that John had had many girlfriends in the past, he was such a womaniser.

Sherlock drove away. He drove towards the flat.
Even if it only gave him more reasons to feel miserable.

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