Chapter 8

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Liam stood outside the bathroom door while I took the drugstore pregnancy test. While I waited for the result, I let Liam inside.

"If two lines show on the screen, I'm pregnant, if only one shows, I'm not." I recited of the box.

"Why'd you take two tests?" Liam looked at the two pieces of plastic on the side of the sink.

There were two test sticks included in the package, so I took both, just to be sure. "Just in case I needed a second opinion."

"How much longer?" Liam asked anxiously.

"The directions said it might take a few minutes for any lines to show up. This is nerve wracking." I chewed my lower lip.

"Whatever happens, happens. Yes, we planned to wait a little while longer to have a baby, but I'll be happy either way." Liam assured me.

A faint, pink line began to form on the test I held in my hand. A few seconds later, a second line joined it.

"No..." I checked the other test, still on the sink. It showed two lines, both bright and clear.

"Oh my god..." I felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me. Both tests had shown positive.

"You're pregnant." Liam breathed.

Thats when the waterworks began. I dropped the tests on the floor and felt tears form in my eyes. I wasn't ready to be pregnant. I had been married less than two months. "I'm going to get so fat!"

Liam wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Bria... It's alright!"

"No it's not!" I murmured.

"Yes it is!" Liam smiled, arms on my shoulders. "Enough with the tears!" He wiped under my eyes with his thumbs. "This is going to be great. In a few months, we'll have our beautiful little baby, and it'll all be worth it, I promise."

"Easy for you to say!" I laughed through tears. "You don't have to carry him for nine months, or go through childbirth."

"It can't be that bad! Billions of women have done it, so can you!" He argued.

"I think I have to vomit again." I held my stomach.

"Does the thought of having a baby repulse you, or is it just more morning sickness?"

I opened the lid of the toilet and released nothing but yellowy bile. My stomach had already been emptied.

Liam held back my hair. "We're going to have to get used to this"

I moaned, climbing up of the floor.

"Nine months of this." I shook my head.

"I wonder how far along you are." Liam mused.

"I'll call and try and get a doctors appointment for sometime within the week." I realized that I would be seeing my Gynecologist quite a bit more now.


"I've set up an appointment for next week, on Thursday the eighth at two o'clock." I told Liam as I hung up the phone. They're completely booked this week."

"Would it be weird if I came along? I want to hear the little guy's heartbeat and everything too!" Liam asked.

"Aren't you working on Thursday?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'll get someone to cover for me the hour I'm gone. Maybe I'll make Harry do it." Liam smirked.

"How is he these days?" I posed.

"It's incredibly awkward always being around him. He glares at me when I walk by."

"I can believe that." I agreed.

"Oh god he will flip shit when he finds out you're pregnant!" Liam laughed hysterically.

"If I'm not there to see it, have Zayn or Christi film it for me." I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Your pregnancy just got a whole lot more exciting." Liam sighed.

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