Chapter 15

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It was three forty-two in the morning. I couldn't sleep. The baby was moving around and I just could not get comfortable. I would be too hot, then too cold, and the whole night thus far consisted of nothing but tossing and turning. I had felt small, short, contractions all day and , but they weren't particularly painful, just annoying. My due date was still six days away, and I felt confident that I wasn't ready to check into to the hospital yet.

Liam slept soundly beside me, and I was extremely jealous. I felt another contraction begin and curled up tighter. This one lasted nearly forty seconds and hurt more than the rest had. I supposed each one would get worse and worse as I got closer to delivery. I felt the need to get up and pee, so I threw back my covers and made my way into the bathroom. It didn't take long for me to realize that I was not in fact peeing, my water had broken.

"LIAM!" I frantically screamed from the bathroom to wake him up.

He immediately shot up, wide eyed. "WHAT?!" He was breathing heavily, clearly startled.

"My water broke!" I quickly explained.

"Does that mean..." He scrambled off the bed and to his feet.

"I don't know." I admitted. "My contractions are still about twelve minutes apart, and you're supposed to wait until they're down to five before going to the hospital."

"But your waters broken? I think we should go, just in case." Liam decided, pulling on a clean shirt and shoes.


"Mrs. Payne, you're getting very close. You've dilated to nine centimeters. We'll give it a few more minutes, and then we'll start to push." The doctor informed me.

"Okay, thank you." I nodded. I had been in the hospital for a few hours, waiting. Liam and my mother were in the delivery room with me, just as anxious to have the baby as I was. So far, the entire process hasn't been too painful. I had been given my epidural, so I was pretty numb from the waist down. Contractions were just under three minutes apart, and everything was seemingly going according to plan.

When the doctor came back in, she ensured that I was ready, and we began. Liam got up and held my hand. "Let's have a baby." He smiled. "I love you."

Authors Note:
So, this was the very last chapter! All that's left is the epilogue! Thank you so much to everyone that read, voted, and commented on this book for the past year or so that I've been writing it. This book has been through like three hiatuses and I'm thrilled that I could finish it now :)

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