Chapter 10

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To say we were completely devastated was an understatement. After the doctor told us our baby was gone, I went home and cried. Liam tried his very best to comfort me, but I knew it was hard for him to stay calm himself. I felt as if I had let him down. I got Liam so excited to have a baby, and now I just felt awful. Having to tell our parents, and everyone else we told I was pregnant, our unsettling news was even worse.

But all of that had to be out aside for just one night. Harry and Kelsey's wedding. They had come to ours, and I had already told them we were coming to theirs. It was an unfortunate obligation. We got dressed up, put on happy faces, and counted down the minutes until it was over. The only person who was less thrilled to be there than me was Liam. We decided before we even arrived that we would keep the drinks flowing.

The ceremony itself was very sweet and traditional, and it took place on the lawn of Kelsey's parents' country club. The reception was on the outside deck, and being perfectly honest, it was just beautiful. Harry wore a classic black tuxedo, and Kelsey looked equally as flawless, her dress was lacy and formfitting.

"Please welcome Harry and Kelsey to the floor for their first dance as husband and wife!"

Kelsey's song of choice, Thinking Out Loud, began to play and the pair took the dance floor. Harry placed his hands on her hips and pulled her close. A small smile crept onto his face and he rested his head on top of hers. I could easily tell that Harry really loved Kelsey.

As the song ended, he whispered something into her ear, and she giggled before gently kissing him.

After a few more songs, it was time for dinner. Instead of a plated sit down dinner, there were food stations set up inside the ballroom. There was an incredible amount of food there, including a mashed potato bar, and numerous meat carving stations. There wasn't a thing about the wedding that I didn't like.

At the end of the reception, Liam and I were finally able to pull Harry aside and speak with him for a minute.

"Congratulations!" I cooed.

"Thank you. I couldn't be happier!" He beamed. "How have you two been?"

"Things have been really good recently, actually." Liam spoke up.

"That's great." Harry said genuinely.

"We won't keep you, but once again, we're so happy that you and Kelsey are finally married." I returned his smile. With that, Harry turned back to the party, and joined his new wife.

I was pleasantly surprised at how much Harry had matured in the few short weeks that had passed since the last time I saw him. He was actually pleasant tonight, and hadn't brought a thing up about the miscarriage. Maybe we could move on from the matching fiasco. Maybe we could be friends.

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