Trust Issues

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Chapter 4: Trust Issues

Zaku's POV

Following people is no fun especially when they walk like snails. I'm following Pina's group around because I wanted to keep an eye on Kim and watch Mimi because something about her makes me distrust her. I haven't known her for a long time but she seems to have dramatically changed Duncan, which is in a way good, but for her to change his personality this dramatically is nearly impossible without making some sort of love potion or manipulation using... aura. Mimi's turning out to be a very suspicious character. I'll do some more research when I get back to the bunker. Pina looks up at me and give me a confused look. I mime to her that I'm following her to make sure that she's safe just in case something happens. She shrugs and starts to talk to Hannah who is still giving her a piggy back and is still channeling aura to her which is amazing. She's been meditating a lot since the hunger games because the amount of aura she's gained is huge and the stability of the channeling is spot on. I might teach her more about aura manipulation because I think that she has potential and great strength in shape-shifting and healing. I've noticed that some of the other Yogscast members have improved on their aura and some of them haven't changed. At least a good number of them are still interested in using aura and are willing to dedicate some time into improving it.

"We have half an hour left, which direction do you guys want to go next?" Duncan asked. "I saw a small lake in the north when we flew above this place. Do you guys want to go and check it out?" They shrugged and followed Duncan. He's got a sharp eye. That lake was used to hide villagers when Germany attacked Russia with their limited bombs and large army. Russia didn't take any action because the bombs were taking out the slums which was a good thing in the eye of the government because that was less mouths to feed and a new place to build military bases and training fields.

"Is the lake far because Zaku doesn't like it when people are late." Pina said to Duncan. Pina had a small smirk on her face and I knew that she was trying to get my attention.

"остановка (Halt. I'm using google translate so the Russian isn't going to be accurate)!!" What are these two Russian soldiers doing this far south from their main hideout? A normal patrol would never venture this far even if they were told to because there is no point. If you scout too far ahead and you get caught then you're in big trouble. But if you scout too far and don't find anything then it's just a massive waste of time. In the RDAA, we're told that we have to make the limited time we have usefully and efficiently. Time is precious so use it wisely I was told. The only time that we would scout this far from base was when we were sent out on security checks in the forests to make sure that the animals were not hostile and that no one was attempting to break into the base. But these aren't any ordinary soldiers, they're mercinaries who were sent out here to do something specific... But what? "что ваш бизнес здесь, в лесу (What is your business here in the forest)?" Should I take them out? Wait, Pina can speak Russian so maybe she can convince them to let them go.

"мы ищем где-то здесь небольшое озеро, потому что мы встречаемся с моими родителями там (we are looking for a small lake somewhere around here because we're meeting up with my parents there). Mimi can speak fluent Russian? Well, you really do learn something new everyday! "вы знаете, где озеро (Do you know were the lake is)?"

"единственное озеро я знаю о том, вдова озеро, которое, по-видимому преследуют призраки и инфицированных плотоядных растений, как большие, как и люди. я хотел бы предложить вам не идите туда, если вы не хотите, чтобы умереть (the only lake I know about is called widow lake which is apparently haunted by ghosts and infected with carnivorous plants as big as humans. I would suggest the you don't go there unless you want to die)." Well that doesn't sound nice at all.

"она должна быть тонкой, плотоядные растения не подходят для нас (it should be fine, carnivorous plants are no match for us)." What kind of a response is that? What's Mimi trying to do? "оставить, прежде чем я передумаю о разрешении вы живете (leave before I change my mind about letting you live)!"

"да хозяйка, извините за сомневаясь вас (yes mistress, sorry for doubting you)." Huh? Did I hear that correctly? Mistress? What did that soldier mean? The soldiers started to walk away and the others continued towards the lake. I need to find out what the soldiers meant by mistress. I followed the soldiers until I was sure that we were far away enough from the group. I took out the soldier that didn't talk to Mimi and pinned the other one down onto the ground. "получить от меня (get off me)!"

"пока вы не скажите мне, почему вы назвали, что леди любовницу (not until you tell me why you called that lady mistress)." I have no time to waste with this soldier, I need to get information out of him quickly. "если вы скажете мне, то я расскажу вам о секретной ракетной вешалки недалеко отсюда, что поможет вам захватить власть над миром. Я уверен, что ваш босс будет очень приятно с этой информацией (if you tell me then i'll tell you about a secret missile hanger not far from here that'll help you take over the world. I'm sure that your boss will be very pleased with this information)."

"откуда я знаю, будете ли вы говорить правду или нет (how do I know whether you are telling the truth or not)?"

"Я скажу вам, где сперва если вы хотите (I'll tell you the location first if you want to)? после этого вы можете сказать мне, почему вы назвали свою хозяйку (after that you can tell me why you called her mistress)." The soldier thought for a second and nodded. "через северо горы и вверх по потоку. между озером и области является водопад. искать по полю из-за воды, и вы увидите, где х обозначает место (across the north mountain and up the stream. between the lake and the field is a waterfall. look across the field from behind the water and you'll see where the X marks the spot)." This is a riddle that my dad told me when I was younger and it refers to a small treasure hunt I had with my older brother when I was younger. It was on a remote island owned by the RDAA and the prize was a sword made out of steel infused with aura making it one of the strongest melee weapons on Earth. The strongest weapon on Earth is a hammer that is rumoured to have fallen from the sky encased within a meteorite. We nicknamed it Thor's Hammer purely because it fell from the sky. The last person to wield it was a fallen angel who wanted to rescue his best friend from Satan who was keeping him locked up. The angel failed sadly and now no one knows where the hammer's gone. Legends say that the fallen angel's soul fused with the hammer to make it indestructible and the most powerful weapon on Earth.

"я назвал свою хозяйку, потому что она дочь босса и принцесса быть России (I called her mistress because she's the boss's daughter and princess to be of Russia)."

"если она принцесса быть, почему она была в Англии (If she's the princess to be then why was she in England)?"

"босс послал ее на миссию, чтобы захватить один из сердца члена в Yogscast и принести его в Россию, чтобы он мог удержать его с целью получения выкупа. сумма составила 4 млн. фунтов стерлингов (the boss sent her on a mission to capture one of the Yogscast's member's heart and bring him to Russia so that he can hold him for ransom. the amount was £4 million)." What? She's a puppet? "босс дал ей любовное зелье, чтобы сделать ее работать легче (the boss gave her a love potion to make her work easier)." All of this makes sense now. Should I go and tell Duncan? No, it won't work because he's still under the effects of the love potion. Dammit Duncan, why are you always the one who gives me more work to do? "Можете ли вы дайте мне теперь идти? (Can you let me go now)?" I nodded and stood up. He picked up his unconscious friend and hobbled off. As a precaution, I stuck a transparent tracking device on his back. Now I'll know his every movement and the main camp which he should be headed towards right now.

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