Chapter Eight: Being Abducted

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Charlotte was in the fourth hour of her eighteen hour shift and the blonde walked towards the nurse’s station and quickly started to collect her files so that she could get to work; she only hoped for a quiet shift.

The blonde’s first stop would be her coma patient, it was an easy start to her shift; Charlotte carefully walked towards the room where John Doe lay, she looked through his file as she stepped into his room.

Suddenly someone grabbed a hold of Charlotte and clapped a hand over her mouth, she dropped her files shocked as she struggled against his hold before she realised that the bed was now empty; she blinked confused about what was going on as her pager went off.

“They’re paging all the staff… George must have been successful,” the man holding her said as Charlotte realised that they weren’t alone, another man stood behind the door and was holding a gun; he stared at the blonde who stopped struggling as he approached her.

“So you’re the one that has caused me so much trouble… I can see what Ramos see’s in you,” the man said as he stopped in front of her, he eyed her for a moment before shaking his head and signalling for the man holding her to follow him; Charlotte struggled slightly wondering what the hell was going on.

The blonde was dragged out into the corridor before she heard several gun shots fired; she stared in terror as people quickly moved away from the man that had fired them, she didn’t blame them and she wondered if someone had called the police.

“Boss?” the man said as he dragged her down the corridor, he knew that they needed a plan if this was going to work; the man in-charge fired another shot making Charlotte flinch as she was dragged along knowing that she was in a lot of trouble.


Sergio furrowed his brow as he reached for his phone, he had been asleep when it had started ringing and he didn’t know who was ringing him at this hour in the night; he rubbed the sleep from her eyes as he answered it.

“Hola?” Sergio grumbled as he sat up, he stretched hoping it wasn’t his father calling to tell him that he had a job to do; he just wanted to sleep right now after a long day.

“Hola Ramos,” said a voice making Sergio frown, he didn’t know why Victor Diaz was phoning him; the last time he had seen him was before Charlotte had come into his life and he had nearly been killed.

“What is it you want Diaz?” Sergio asked wondering why his family enemy was calling him at that time in the morning, he knew that whatever it was it couldn’t be good; Victor hated his family and he would do anything to hurt them.

“I have someone here that wants to speak to you,” Victor said smugly making Sergio furrow his brow, he didn’t know what was going on but he had a sinking feeling as he climbed out of bed and waited to hear what was going on; he ran a hand through his hair before his blood ran cold.

“Sergio?” said a voice that the Sevillian had never thought he would hear especially on a call from his mortal enemy; he felt sick as he realised what was going on.

“Charlotte?” Sergio said as he sank back onto his bed, he stared at the wall as he realised what Victor was doing and he didn’t know what he was going to do; he heard his enemy chuckle knowing that he had taken the phone from the blonde.

“You know… she’s a belleza,” Victor mused as he brushed some fingers against Charlotte’s cheek, she flinched back as far as possible as she glared at him; she had already been slapped once for answering back and she didn’t want that to happen again.

“What do you want Victor?” Sergio asked as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening, his stomach clenched at the thought of something happening to Charlotte; he knew that he had to do something, she meant to much to him for him to lose her.

“You know what I want… how much does her life mean to you?” Victor asked as he looked at the blonde, he smirked as he nodded at his men to restrain her before he pulled out a knife; he knew that Sergio was soft hearted and he would do anything for someone that he cared about.

The Sevillian felt his stomach lurch as he heard Charlotte’s cry of pain, he closed his eyes and didn’t even hear the words that poured from his lips as he pleaded with Victor to stop.

“So she means a lot to you,” Victor mused as he stared at the blood on the knife as he walked away from Charlotte, the blonde whimpered as she looked at the man that had just driven the knife into her leg; she knew she was going to lose a lot of blood if someone didn’t do something.

“What is it you want?” Sergio asked lowly as dark thoughts started to fill his mind, he suddenly wanted to brutally murder every single member of Victor’s men for what was happening right now; he wanted them to suffer.

“I’m sure that you’ll figure it out… but I’d hurry before Charlotte bleeds out completely,” Victor said as he nodded at one of his men, he smirked as the blonde screamed out in pain as one of his men snapped her arm with very little effort; he quickly ended the call knowing that he’d soon have what he wanted.


Sergio dropped his phone as he realised that he was going to lose Charlotte if he didn’t act now, the Sevillian pushed himself to his feet as he moved for his laptop suddenly glad that he’d given the blonde that bracelet.

Sergio hadn’t told anyone that he’d had it fitted with a tracking device, he had known that in an emergency that this was the only way that he would ever be able to truly protect her.

The Sevillian bounced his knee as he started to dress so that he could head out straight away and get back the blonde; he glanced at the laptop as it started to load the programme that would allow him to find her without any problems.

“Come on,” Sergio urged as he picked up his phone and put it in his pocket, he started to collect everything that he would need; he was prepared to do everything in his power to make things right.

The Sevillian swore at the laptop as he quickly typed in what he was looking for, he hated when things seemed to slow down when he was in a hurry to get out.

“Finally,” Sergio breathed as Charlotte’s location flashed up on the screen, he stared for a moment before a cursed passed his lips; he should have known that Victor would take her to where this had begun.

Shaking his head furiously, Sergio pulled on his jacket before he stormed out of his bedroom and headed for the front door after he had collected his car keys; a plan forming in his head about what he was going to do.

“Hang on Charlotte… I’m coming,” Sergio promised as he hurried from his apartment, he knew that he didn’t have long before she lost too much blood; he had to get there in time or he would never forgive himself if he didn’t make it in time to save her.

Slamming the door closed behind him, Sergio knew that he had to be quick especially if he didn’t want his father stopping him from rescuing the blonde.

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