Chapter Twenty-Six: Getting Married

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Charlotte took a deep breath as she smoothed out her white A-line sweetheart sashes knee-length wedding dress and smiled it was nothing like the dress that Sergio's mother had wanted her to wear.

The blonde glanced behind her knowing that at any moment she would be called so that she could marry Sergio, she couldn't help the feeling that formed in her stomach knowing that there was no going back; she shifted nervously as she checked herself one more time in the mirror.

Charlotte hadn't seen her fiancé since that morning when he had disappeared to prepare for their wedding leaving only the dress that she was now wearing and a set of nude platforms for the ceremony; the blonde smiled to herself knowing that there was no going back.

"Miss Montez," called a voice making Charlotte turn to see a woman that had been sent to collect her; the blonde still wasn't used to people calling her Miss Montez since she had been Miss Perez for years before she had been forced to fake her death.

Charlotte nodded her head as the woman signalled for her to follow her, she knew that this was it and she couldn't help but wonder if they were prepared for this; the next few months were going to be interesting and they were going to be parents.

The walk to the altar was nerve wracking for Charlotte and she felt a little sick as she wondered if she was truly prepared to become Mrs Sergio Ramos; she still had her fears even if her fiancé had tried to ease her mind in any way that he could.

However all those doubts seemed to float away as she stepped into the room where Sergio was waiting for her, her blue eyes locked with his brown ones and she knew then that they would be okay.


The wedding ceremony was a blare for the couple and Charlotte smiled into the kiss as the official pronounced them man and wife; she felt Sergio carefully brush his fingers against her stomach as if reminding them both of what was to come.

"I love you," the Sevillian whispered as he pulled back slightly, he smiled as he ducked down to kiss her again; this time a lot more tenderly than their first kiss as a married couple.

Charlotte wrapped her arms around his neck as she deepened the kiss, she never wanted to let him go; the official cleared his throat making the couple pull apart.

"You have some things to sign," the official informed them making Sergio nod his head as he held his wife close; he couldn't believe that they were finally married, he had worried that she would change her mind about marrying him.

Charlotte glanced at the official as he walked out of the room and left them alone, she didn't know if he knew who they were but she had a feeling that if he did then they were okay for now.

"Don't look so worried... he's an old friend that owed me a favour," Sergio said as he pressed another kiss to her lips, he didn't want her worrying about anyone coming after them; not on a day like today, she was his wife now and no one was able to hurt her anymore.

Charlotte raised an eyebrow at Sergio curiously making him shake his head, it was better if she didn't know what he was talking about; he pressed one last kiss to her lips before he led her from the room knowing that they needed to sort out this paperwork.

Sergio's head of security nodded stiffly at the couple as they excited the room, his brown eyes lingered on the happy couple knowing it would be his duty to look after Charlotte from now on.

Sergio had made it quite clear that Charlotte and his unborn child were the top concern from the moment that he married her; he didn't want Victor getting any ideas nor did he want his family trying to force her out of his life.

The Sevillian had known from the moment that he had eloped with the blonde that his parents would try to find a way to force her out of the picture; they had always hoped that he would marry a woman of their choosing.

"What happens now?" Charlotte asked as she brushed her lips against his cheek, she smiled as felt her husband pull her closer; she buried her head into his neck as they waited for the paperwork, she glanced behind him where David and a couple of the other security members were watching them.

"You don't have to do anything now," Sergio said as he trailed a hand down her back, he didn't want her involved in the life that he lived and he was determined to go clean for her; he didn't want anything coming between them and taking her away from him.

Charlotte closed her eyes and she cuddled closer him, she knew that his parents were going to be far from welcoming when they returned to Seville especially if Sergio was going to keep her away from his life as a mobster.


Charlotte furrowed her brow as she slipped of her heels and looked at her husband, he was already on the phone and she could hear her brother's enraged voice from where she was standing; the blonde couldn't help but worry about why he had called.

Sergio rolled his eyes at Ethan's threats, he had no intentions of ever allowing his wife out of his sight and he didn't know what her younger brother hoped to achieve by threatening him in this way.

"Charlotte is perfectly fine... why would I allow any harm to come to my wife?" Sergio asked as he sat down on their hotel room bed and watched Charlotte, he smiled to himself knowing that he had enraged her brother even more; he didn't know what the younger man was thinking but he couldn't help but be pleased that they hadn't told him about them eloping.

Charlotte stopped what she was doing and looked at him, she could see the amusement in his eyes and shook her head as she wondered off to the bathroom; she didn't want to mess up her wedding dress and she had a feeling that Sergio had something planned for them later.

Sergio watched her disappear into the bathroom before he disconnected the call, he had interest in his brother-in-law and the idea of helping his new bride out of her dress was too tempting for him.

The Sevillian set down his mobile and followed Charlotte into the bathroom, he watched her for a moment before he chuckled and moved to help her out of her dress; the blonde squeaked in surprise as she was pulled back against his chest.

"Hola," Sergio mused as he held Charlotte against his chest, he grinned as she tried to wiggle free before he dropped his lips down to kiss her neck; he knew that the next few months were going to be difficult but he wasn't about to allow anything to take away the joy that he felt.

"Hola... I thought you were on the phone," Charlotte said as she looked back at her husband as he started to help her out of her dress, she kissed his lips as he held her close knowing that they would be fine no matter what happened.

Sergio grinned as he spun the blonde around to face him and pulled her flush against his chest, she swallowed and blushed as he held her close.

"Your brother can wait," Sergio said before he dipped his head down to kiss Charlotte, he had seven months until their baby was due and he couldn't wait.

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