Chapter Fourteen: A New Role in Life

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Sergio eyed his girlfriend warily as she stared at him, he knew that they had planned for her to work with Stefan but things had changed and he hated to ask this off her; his parents wanted him to settle and she was the answer to his problems.

“Okay… what does this mean for me?” Charlotte said, they had been together for twelve weeks now and she knew that he wouldn’t be asking this of her without reason; she knew that she would be official recognised as his girlfriend and she needed to know what that meant.

The Sevillian had already told her that they would be moving out of the apartment and heading to his home that was just outside of the main city; he wanted somewhere where they could relax without any worries.

“It means that while you will be working for me privately, you’ll have more to do… you’ll be working closely with my madre, my hermana and my cuñada,” Sergio said as he kissed her softly, he was surprised that she was taking this so well; he knew that his mother had been shocked when he had told her that he was seeing someone.

Charlotte nodded her head, she was a little glad that she wouldn’t have to work with Stefan; she had a feeling that she would see the worst side of what Sergio did and she wasn’t sure if she could handle it.

“So what now?” the blonde asked as she allowed the Sevillian to pull her close, she cuddled into his arms as she thought about her new life; so much had changed for her in the last few weeks and now that she was truly fully recovered, she knew she was going to be thrown into the deep end of Sergio’s life.


Charlotte blinked as she looked around Sergio’s home, she knew that this would be where she would now be living; the blonde felt her boyfriend wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her neck.

“This is your home?” Charlotte asked as she glanced back at him, she was a little in awe about how normal the place looked; she didn’t know what she had expected from a mobster’s son’s home but this wasn’t it.

The blonde relaxed at his touch, she tilted her head so that he had better access to her neck; she was aware that she was going to need a new wardrobe for her new life, nothing she had was good enough for the life that she was now living.

“Our home,” Sergio corrected as he kissed down his neck, she looked at him as he stopped before he laced their fingers and started to show her around the house; he wanted her to be completely comfortable and he knew that she would be spending a lot of time there.

The three bedroom house was simple and well-kept since Sergio had never spent a lot of time there; this was the home where he wanted to start a family and he wanted Charlotte to be the woman that he got that with.

“And this is our bedroom,” Sergio said as he showed the blonde into the master bedroom, he smiled glad that everything was in place; he’d asked his housekeeper Sasha to make sure everything was ready for them to move in.

Charlotte looked at her boyfriend, she could sense that he was keeping something from her and she was curious; the Sevillian chuckled as he pulled out a set of keys and a black card before he handed them to her knowing that she wasn’t going to be expecting this.

“Car keys to the 2014 Mercedes-Benz S600 Guard parked in the garage and a new bank card,” Sergio said as he moved to sit on the bed while the blonde stared speechlessly wondering why he was giving her these things.

She knew that she’d need a new car at some point but she already had a bank card and wasn’t sure why he had given her this one.

Charlotte raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend, she didn’t want him paying for everything even if she couldn’t technically get a job since she was dead; the blonde had already seen a news report on her death and it had been a nasty shock for her.

“It’s a card to my bank account… I figured you’d need it at some point for shopping,” Sergio said shrugging, he didn’t mind paying for everything especially since he loved providing for her; he knew that he would do anything for her and one day he hoped to call her his wife and the mother of his children.


“My hermana wants to take you shopping tomorrow,” Sergio said as he remembered his talk with Mirian, he wasn’t surprised that his sister was insistent on meeting the blonde; she was one of the few that knew what had transpired and she was curious about the woman that her brother loved.

Charlotte looked at him from where she was resting, she knew that it would happen sooner or later and she was in need of some clothes since she had been forced to leave a lot behind; Sergio had brought what he could from Madrid but it hadn’t been a lot only the stuff that he knew mattered to her the most.

“I’ll send David with you both tomorrow,” the Sevillian said as he watched his girlfriend, she hadn’t really been out since she had come to his home city; he had hidden her away while she recovered and now he was more than wary about letting her out without him by her side.

Charlotte looked at him, she knew that he was trying to be protective of her and she didn’t blame him; the last time that he left her alone, she had been abducted and nearly killed.

“You don’t have to do that… David is your head of security,” the blonde said as she pushed herself up slightly, she rested slightly on her elbows as she looked at her boyfriend; he chuckled as he leant over her and kissed her lips knowing that he had no intentions of letting her go anywhere alone.

Sergio had no intentions of ever letting her go through anything like that again; she was under his protection and he would do anything for her.

The early October sun had long since set and they were preparing for bed, the blonde was wearing a plaid long sleeve boyfriend shirt; she wrapped her arms around Sergio’s neck as he ran his hands up her thighs as he moved closer to her.

“I love you,” the blonde said as he pushed her top up, she allowed him to kiss her again knowing that there was something on his mind; his hands rested on the tops of her thighs as he continued to kiss her.

“I love you too… I would do anything for you Charlotte,” Sergio said as he pulled back from her, his brown eyes filled with emotion as he rested his head against hers; he was aware that he was taking a risk by doing this but he couldn’t be without her anymore.

Charlotte brushed her fingers through his hair, she smiled up at him as she pushed herself up and kissed him knowing that she would do anything for him; she owed him her life and more.

“You know that I would do anything for you?” Sergio said as he manoeuvred over his girlfriend, his brown eyes searched her blue eyes as he thought about what he wanted in the future; he wondered how long it would be till he had what he wanted.

Charlotte looked up at him confused, she didn’t know what was going on but she sensed that something was bothering him as she nodded her head.

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