Chapter Ten: The Funeral of Charlotte Perez

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“We are gathered here today to remember the life of Charlotte Perez Montez, which was cruelly taken from her not one week ago,” the priest said as everyone that Charlotte had ever known gathered to watch her being laid to rest; Sergio sat quietly at the back as he stared lifelessly at the coffin.

It had been four weeks since the Sevillian had first slept with the blonde and he was shocked at this turn of events; losing Charlotte was painful enough for him, he had never thought that he would be here watching this scene in front of him, the last week had been a nightmare for him.

Bethany sat next to her husband sobbing making Sergio look down at his hands, it broke his heart even more that her parents were burying their only daughter because he had gotten involved with her.

“We all hope that Charlotte is now resting in peace after the horrors that she was put through before she died and that the monsters that did this will suffer,” the priest said as he looked over the gathering, his old eyes flickering over the crowd as he continued talking.

Sergio tried to keep himself from flinching as he thought about what Victor had done to her, she had died in his arms and it would haunt him for the rest of his life; he felt sick at the thought of her pale and limp body as he tried to bring her back.

“Excuse me,” Sergio said as he got to his feet and stepped out of the chapel where her funeral was being held; he took a deep as he looked at the sky, his chest ached knowing that even in death the blonde wasn’t getting what she wanted.

Charlotte had a document prepared for a case like this that stated that she wished to be cremated in the event that she died; the thought of rotting freaked her out to much and her parents had refused wanting their daughter to have a proper burial.


“So how did you know Charlotte?” Layla asked as she stood next to Sergio as they lowered the coffin into the ground, no one seemed to care that this wasn’t what the blonde had wanted and no of it seemed to matter.

“She was my girlfriend,” the Sevillian said softly knowing that it was the only to describe the relationship that he had with the blonde; he didn’t know how else to explain what had happened between them.

Layla stared at him for a moment before she shook her head, she didn’t believe that for a moment; she knew that Charlotte would have told her if she had someone like him in her life.

“Lottie didn’t have a boyfriend,” Layla hissed as she glared at Sergio, she knew that there was something going on and she had a feeling that it was related to him and her friend’s murder; Sergio stared at her as he noticed something about the brunette that was talking to him.

“How did you know Charlotte?” Sergio asked softly as he turned his attention to the scene before him, his stomach lurched as he watched them start to bury the coffin; he knew that it was nearly time for him to leave, he was only going to stay until he was sure that no one could dig up the body.

“I was her best friend… we worked together at the hospital,” Layla said proudly as she smiled, Sergio raised an eyebrow at her knowing that if she was Charlotte’s best friend then she’d know that the blonde had hated being called Lottie; she had told him that when he had been getting to know her and prepared Charlie as a nickname.

“She must have been a great friend,” Sergio said as he prepared to leave, he glanced at the freshly covered grave and knew that this was far from over; he would get revenge for what had happened to Charlotte.

“She was… she switched shifts with me so that I could go out with my boyfriend of six years,” Layla said as she started to follow Sergio to his car as people started to leave; he glanced at Charlotte’s parents who were talking quietly with someone, he felt horrible about what was happening before he realised what the brunette had said.

“So Charlotte wasn’t meant to be working the night she was abducted?” Sergio asked as he slowed his walk and looked at Layla, if Charlotte hadn’t been meant to work it meant that David hadn’t known about her change in shifts so he hadn’t been able to watch her and protect her in anyway.

“Yep… it took some convincing as well,” Layla said almost smugly as she continued to walk with Sergio, he stopped and looked at her; it was like she didn’t even feel guilty about what had happened, she didn’t even seem upset.

“I have to go my boyfriend is here to pick me up… but it was nice talking to you,” Layla said as she smiled at Sergio before she walked away towards her boyfriend who was waiting for her; the Sevillian felt his stomach drop as he realised that Charlotte had never stood a chance.

Layla kissed her boyfriend on the lips before she glanced back at Sergio with a smirk on her lips; Victor chuckled as he dropped his lips to her ear and whispered softly to her about going home.

Sergio stared at them as he realised that Layla was the reason that Victor had been able to get close to Charlotte; she had sold out her best friend to her boyfriend and was the reason that the blonde had died.


Running a hand through his hair, Sergio fought back a yawn as he walked into his apartment back in Seville; it had been a long trip home and he hadn’t even gone back to his house yet.

“How was the funeral?” Stefan asked as he stepped out of the main bedroom and looked at his boss, he knew where Sergio had been and he knew that it had been difficult for him especially with everything going on right now.

The Sevillian shrugged as he leant against the wall, the funeral had been as expected and it was the last thing that he wanted to think about right now.

“Did anyone suspect anything?” Stefan pushed as he watched his boss, it was clear that there was something on Sergio’s mind; he needed to know that everything was going to be okay before they made the next move.

“No… they buried her without a second thought,” Sergio muttered annoyed as he rubbed his face tiredly, he wanted nothing more than to relax but he knew that he needed to know that everything was okay.

“How is she?” he asked looking at Stefan, who smiled at him before they headed into the master bedroom; the Sevillian’s brown eyes focused on the blonde knowing that he had done the right thing.

“She’s doing better… I’ll keep her sedated for a few more days just to be sure,” Stefan said as he watched Sergio move to sit next to the bed, he had barely left Charlotte’s side as it was before the funeral and he had a feeling that he would go back to being that way.

The Sevillian had taken it upon himself to fake Charlotte’s death knowing that there was no way that she could go back to her old life now; he had done everything in his power to protect her.

“I love you,” Sergio said softly as he pressed a kiss to Charlotte’s head, he was still coming to terms with the fact that she had been dead for about a minute before he had brought her back; he wasn’t going to lose her again.

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