Epilogue: End of an Era

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Staring down at the coffin being lowered into the ground that contained his eldest son, José María Ramos swallowed as he looked beside him at his sobbing wife; he knew that this was his fault and he hoped one day he would earn forgiveness.

His brown eyes closed as he listened to the priest talking and he wondered what had processed him to do this; he had wanted Sergio back in the fold, not a fight that had lost him his children and his career.

With the loss of René and the fight that it had caused, the council had decided that José María was incapable of continuing being the head of his family and had appointed Sergio as the new family head; something that he had accepted much to the delight of his parents.

However this had been short-lived when Sergio made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with either of them after the funeral, he was furious that they had allowed all of this to happen just so they could get rid of Charlotte.

Paqui had admitted that she was impressed with her daughter-in-law, who had nearly been killed in the final confrontation; Charlotte had pushed Sergio out of the way, resulting in her being shot.

Sergio had quickly ended Victor’s life shortly afterwards before the blonde had been rushed to hospital for surgery to remove the bullet; something that had saved her own life much to the relief of the family.

José María looked across the grave to where his only remaining son stood with his wife, he wasn’t surprised that Charlotte was with Sergio and he knew that the blonde wasn’t going to be away from her family anytime soon.

Charlotte was dressed in a black bodycon dress with structured ruffle sleeves paired with black heeled sandals, her hand holding Sergio’s in-support knowing that he needed her right now.


“Sergio,” Paqui said with a small smile on her face as she moved towards her son, she knew that she had to make things right with him; it didn’t seem right that he had cut her from his life.

Sergio glared at her as Charlotte moved closer to him, they both knew that his parents were the reason that Victor had not only been able to take the blonde hostage and had murdered René.

Charlotte kissed her husband softly and gave him a small smile before she walked over to Vania, the blonde had insisted that she stay with them until she was ready.

Especially since the older woman refused to have anything to do with Paqui and José María for their role in her husband’s death.

“Charlotte looks well,” Paqui mused as she stepped closer to her son, she smiled at him hopefully since she was sure that he would forgive her; she had been wrong about the blonde and she was glad that she had been.

Sergio glanced between his parents, he didn’t trust them for a moment and he still had a very strained relationship with his sister after her husband had helped their parents hand Charlotte to Victor; he doubted he’d be able to forgive her anytime soon.

"We are hosting a family dinner this weekend…” Paqui said as she watched her son, she was dying to see her grandson and she knew that it would mend bridges if Sergio were to come to the dinner.

Paqui would even be nice to Charlotte if it meant that she got to spend time with her son and grandson, she still didn’t like the blonde and she doubted that she ever would even if she was impressed by what she had done to save Sergio’s life.

“I’m not interested,” Sergio said bitterly as he looked over at his wife and sister-in-law, he was keeping his promise to his brother and he knew that while he could never replace Daniella’s father; he could do his best to provide for her like she was his own.

The last few weeks had shown him so much and while he had taken control of his father’s syndicate, he had only done it so that he could better protect his wife and son; the seven week old was his life and Sergio was always going to make sure that he had everything that he wanted.

“Sergio por favor,” Paqui pleaded as she stepped closer to her son, she didn’t wish to lose him and she knew that she needed him now; she’d already lost one child and now the other two refused to acknowledge her as their mother after what she had done.

Paqui looked at her husband for help, she really didn’t know why he hadn’t spoken up and she knew that he wasn’t going to show how much he needed his son back.

“There’s nothing that you can say that will make me forgive what either of you did,” Sergio spat shaking his head in disgust, he would never be able to see his parents like he used to; they had nearly cost him, his wife and son and that was something that he would never be able to forgive them for.


Charlotte smiled as she picked up Mateo and held him close, she was still careful of her injury but the last four weeks had allowed her to gain some of her strength back; she knew that it would take time for her to fully recover from what had happened.

“How’s my little boy?” the blonde cooed as she cuddled him, she glanced behind her where Sergio was watching them; she knew he was still worried that there would be some backlash for what had happened with Victor.

Charlotte bounced Mateo as she turned to face her husband, her blue eyes watching him curiously as he moved towards them; she knew it was going to be a while until they were all able to forget what had happened.

“You okay?” Charlotte asked as she handed Mateo over to his father, she smiled as he took him and held him close; Sergio ducked his head down and pressed a kiss to his son’s head knowing that this was what mattered most to him.

The Sevillian still had nightmares of not making it in time to save Charlotte, his mind often wondering what he would have done if he had lost her.

“I’ll be okay,” Sergio said with a soft nod of his head, his brown eyes watching her knowing that he would never allow anyone to come close to his family again.

Charlotte moved closer to her husband and wrapped her arms around him, she knew that they would be okay in the end; she was sure that they had seen the last of the danger.

Sergio held his wife and son close to him, he knew that there was nowhere else he would rather be than next to them.



Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone that read, commented and rated this story. I couldnt have done it without any of you xxx

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