Chapter Nineteen: Shocking Discovery

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Charlotte bounced her knee as she stared at the stick, she knew that there was no way that this was really happening; the two had been careful and she knew that if the test came back positive then there was going to be trouble.

Glancing at the clock on her phone, the blonde cursed under her breath as she wondered why time seemed to be going slower as she waited on the results; she brushed some hair from her face as she thought about what was going on.

Charlotte sat down on the toilet as she crossed her arms and tapped her feet as she continued to wait; she knew that Stefan was waiting outside for her so that he could tell her what to do next.

The blonde checked her phone again before she chewed on her lip and moved to check the pregnancy test, she sighed as she closed her eyes wondering how Sergio would take the news that they could be expecting a baby; they had only been together for four and a half months.

Charlotte nervously looked down at the test and swallowed as her eyes filled with tears, terror gripped her as she stared at the positive test knowing that there was no way that they were prepared for something like this.

“Charlotte are you okay?” Mirian called from outside of the toilet, she knew that there was something going on but Stefan wouldn’t tell her what was happening; all she knew was that the blonde had been in the toilet for a long time now and still hadn’t come out.

Charlotte sniffled as she wiped away her tears, she couldn’t believe that this was happening; her hands carefully moved to rest a hand on her flat stomach, she couldn’t believe that she was going to have a baby.


“What do I do now?” Charlotte asked softly after Stefan had finished checking her over, he was sure that this was a shock for her; the blonde hadn’t been expecting this and it was clear that it was going to take some getting used to.

The doctor sighed as he pulled out his notepad and made some notes on it for the blonde, he had a feeling that it was going to take some getting used to the idea of becoming a mother; he could tell that this hadn’t been planned at all.

Mirian watched the pair wondering what was going on, she still didn’t know what Stefan had told Charlotte but she could tell that whatever it was had upset the blonde in some way; she frowned as the doctor handed the blonde a note before he nodded at her secretly.

“I will see you next week for a follow up,” Stefan said gently knowing that Charlotte wanted to tell Sergio first before she told anyone else; she wanted to see how her boyfriend felt about the idea of them having a baby then they could make some decisions about what they wanted to do next.

Charlotte didn’t want to be second best in her boyfriend’s life and she knew that he had already lost one unborn child with a former girlfriend; she wasn’t sure if she was prepared to become a mother to a child by herself.

“What is going on?” Mirian demanded as she stepped towards the pair, her brown eyes glaring as she wondered what to tell her brother; she knew that he wanted to know what was wrong but if she didn’t know then she couldn’t tell him.

The doctor frowned and shook his head knowing that it was Charlotte’s decision and she didn’t want to tell anyone about her pregnancy until she had told Sergio.


Sergio sighed as he headed back to his hotel room, he checked his phone and frowned when he saw that there was still no message from his sister and he worried that there was something serious going on back home.

The Sevillian set down his mobile as he ran a tired hand through his hair, he wondered briefly what was going on; he worried for his girlfriend and he wished he’d be able to return home to her soon, he didn’t want to remain in Madrid for too long without her.

Sergio’s mobile buzzed making him look hopefully before he moved to collect it, he stared for a moment as he recognised the caller id; he didn’t know what it was but he felt his stomach lurch at the sight of his girlfriend’s name.

“Charlotte is everything okay?” Sergio asked concerned as he sat down on the edge of the bed, his heart ached at the thought of her being unwell and that he couldn’t be there to look after her; it didn’t escape his notice that he still hadn’t heard from his sister and he knew that if she hadn’t contacted him then it couldn’t be good.

“I’m fine Sese… Stefan said it was just high blood pressure,” Charlotte said as she prepared to tell him that she was pregnant; Mirian had left the apartment and was far from pleased that she still didn’t know what was going on, she had stormed out cursing the blonde and knowing that her brother wasn’t going to be happy about this.

Sergio nodded his head as he ran his hand though his hair and lay back on the bed, he closed his eyes contently as he wondered if there was something that he had been missing; he didn’t want to return home to more bad news.

“There is something else,” Charlotte said gently as she took a deep breath, she needed to rip off the band aid and tell him what was going on; the blonde didn’t want to chicken and out not tell him that they were going to be parents.

Sergio swallowed as he opened his eyes, he stared up at the ceiling as he wondered what was going on; he hated the thought of getting bad news when he was so far away.

“I’m pregnant,” Charlotte revealed making Sergio freeze, his mind went straight to what had happened to Lara and he couldn’t help but feel ill as he heard his girlfriend continue talking; he couldn’t hear what she was saying but his mind was already racing with the thoughts of what she had told him.

“We’re having a baby,” Sergio said as he sat up, tears filled his eyes as he felt his heartbeat speed up; he couldn’t help the feelings that coursed through him and he knew that it was going to take a moment or two for him to fully realise what was going on.

Charlotte made a noise of agreement as she waited to hear what he thought about what she had said; she was terrified that he would break up with her, she didn’t know if she was prepared to do this alone without him.

“Amor… you have no idea how much this means to me,” Sergio said as he brushed away some of his tears, he had never felt like this when his ex-girlfriend had told him that they were going to have a baby.

“You’re not mad?” Charlotte asked as her voice shook, she swallowed the lump as she brushed away some tears; she felt relief fill her as she rested a hand on her stomach knowing that everything would take a while to settle down.

Sergio laughed softly and shook his head, he felt joy fill him as he thought of being a father; he had been picturing them with children for months and now his dreams were becoming true.

“I could never be mad at you… I love you Charlotte,” Sergio said as someone knocked on his door, he sighed wanting to be alone so he could celebrate the fact that he was going to be a father.

He walked over to the door and opened it with the phone still pressed to his ear, the Sevillian stared at the man outside knowing that this made things interesting.

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