Chapter Thirty-One: The Final Confrontation

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Victor frowned as he felt a sharp sting in his shoulder, he knew he hadn’t fired yet and he knew that if he had then Charlotte would be lying dead at his feet; however that clearly wasn’t the case.

The blonde shook as she tried to keep herself calm wondering what had happened, she knew that there was no way that Victor had changed his mind about her death; she had heard the gun shot and yet she wasn’t dead.

“Get away from my wife,” said a voice making the blonde’s blue eyes snap open, she knew that voice anywhere and it made her want to cry with joy; she never thought that she would see him again.

Victor glared at Sergio as he pressed his gun firmly against the back of Charlotte’s head, he had no intentions of backing down and he knew that this was going to end right now.

“You really want to do this Ramos, was one death this week not enough for you,” Victor spat as he ignoring the burning sensation in his shoulder, he knew that he’d have a horrible scar when he had that fixed up; Layla would be so disappointed with him.

Sergio swallowed as he ignored the anger that Victor’s words created, his focus was on his wife who was in danger; once he had dealt with that threat then he would grieve for the loss of his older brother.

“How does it feel Ramos to know that you have lost everything?” Victor taunted as he smirked, his gun pressed his gun firmly against Charlotte’s head as he wondered how much more Sergio could stand to lose; he had already watched his brother die and now he would watch his wife die as well.

Sergio glared at the man in front of him, he didn’t know what Victor hoped to gain by murdering his wife but he wasn’t going to let that happen.

“Sese… I love you,” Charlotte said knowing that this could be her last chance to tell him, her blue eyes looked at her husband knowing that if something happen to her now; she didn’t want him to blame himself.

Sergio’s brown eyes snapped from Victor and looked at his wife, his heart lurching as he realised what she was doing; he didn’t want her thinking like that.

“Don’t,” Sergio warned as he aimed his gun at Victor, his eyes remaining on Charlotte knowing that he would end this now; he wasn’t going to allow this stupid feud to control his life anymore, he wouldn’t lose another person that he cared about to it.

Victor smirked knowing that he had the upper hand and he was going to ensure that Sergio lost everything; murdering Charlotte would only be the beginning of what he had planned.

“Sergio por favor,” the blonde whimpered knowing that she needed to hear him say those words back, she knew she wouldn’t survive a bullet through the head and she needed him to tell her that he loved her; she blinked back tears knowing that this was it.

Sergio gritted his teeth as he tried to remain focused, he wasn’t going to say his goodbye because he wasn’t going to lose her; he knew what he would do if Victor killed her and he knew that it wasn’t going to be pretty.

“No… this isn’t goodbye,” Sergio said as he focused on Victor, his finger teasing the trigger of his gun knowing that he wasn’t going to lose her; not now, not ever.

Charlotte closed her eyes as she tried to regain some sort of control over herself, she felt her hands shaking behind her back; she knew that this wasn’t going to end well.

“How does it feel Ramos knowing that there is nothing you can do?” Victor taunted as he looked at Sergio, he knew that this was killing him.

Sergio glared at Victor wondering what he hoped to achieve by doing all of this, he had already sorted out everything else and now he had to deal with Victor’s anger; he was going to put an end to this.

“I have your son and I’m about to put a bullet through your wife’s head,” Victor laughed as he looked at Sergio amused, he knew that this was what he had waited for and now it was finally happening he was going to ensure that Sergio suffered for everything.

The Sevillian took a shaky breath as he reminded himself that Mateo was safe, it was the first thing that he had done when he had arrived at the complex and now he needed to get to his wife; he didn’t care what happened after that, he needed her to survive.

“Last chance Victor… Get away from my wife,” Sergio said through gritted teeth, his eyes locked on the man that seemed determined to take his family from him; he didn’t know what he would do if he lost any of them, he had already lost his brother.

Victor snorted as he watched Sergio for a moment before he shook his head and prepared to pull the trigger, he knew that he wasn’t going to even feel guilty for what he was about to do.

However the Spaniard suddenly found himself being knocked to the ground, his gun missing it original target as he felt his entire world spin and go dark.

Charlotte squeaked in surprise as she felt a massive blast from behind her, she didn’t know what had happened but she knew that she wasn’t dead; she cried out in shock as someone pulled her into their arms.

“It’s okay,” Sergio whispered as he looked over at Victor knowing that his enemy wasn’t going to be down for long, he had known that David was a good shoot and that was the reason that he had asked him to be the one to shoot Victor without being seen.

The Sevillian cut his wife’s hands free as he tried to calm her down, he knew that this had all been a nasty shock for her and he hated putting her in that situation; he smiled as she wrapped her arms around him.

“Siento,” Sergio said as he held her close, he felt her warm tears soaking through his shirt and she shook as she tried to calm her nerves; he had sworn to protect her and that was what he was going to do.

Charlotte swallowed knowing that he hadn’t meant to scare her like that, she trusted Sergio and she knew that he had meant to protect her from Victor’s wrath.

“I love you Charlie, so much,” the Sevillian said as he pulled back slightly and cupped his wife’s face, he smiled at her knowing that they were going to be okay; he glanced over at Victor’s body, he wasn’t dead not yet at least.

“I love you too,” Charlotte said as she tried to stop herself from shaking, she rested her head against his as she tried to take in all that had happened; she really had thought that Victor was going to kill her.

Sergio ducked his head down and kissed his wife, he was never going to leave her unprotected like that again; he would never forgive his family for what they had tried to do and he was sure that this was finally over.

Victor frowned as he carefully pushed himself up, his shoulder and chest were bleeding heavily and he had no doubt in his mind that they were serious; he groaned as he looked over at Sergio and his wife knowing that he had to finish this while he still had the chance.

Lifting up his gun and aiming at the couple, a sickening smile formed on his face knowing that neither of them were aware that he had his gun trained on them; he knew that if he didn’t kill one of them then he would kill both.

Glee filled his eyes as he pulled the trigger knowing that this would be his final act, whoever survived his shot would put an end to his life completely in revenge.


Author's Note:

Only one chapter remaining x 

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