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(Y/n) POV

Jeff hasn't left my house yet, he watched me. My every move, it was starting to get uncomfortable. "You know the last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid". I said jokingly. Use humor to deflect pain, and uncomfortableness. "You're not a virgin"? Jeff asked. "It's just a joke". I said. "You didn't answer the question". Jeff said. A couple seconds went by. "Answer the question"! He yelled at me. "Yeah I am a virgin". I said. "Why"? Jeff asked. "How would I know that"? I asked. "Have you kissed anyone"? Jeff asked. "No, why are you asking me all these fucking questions? Better yet why are you still in my damn house"? I asked. Jeff pinned me down, he made sure I couldn't move. He raised his knife he ran it over my neck. "Kill me I don't care". I said to him. "No, that isn't fun". Jeff said. He leaned down and kissed me, I was shocked. But kissed him back. He pulled away from me. "I think you're beautiful". Jeff said pulling me away from me. "I think I'm confused at what the shit just happened". I said. "You're mine". Jeff said.

"I hear you saying that, but don't understand what you're talking about". I said. "Ok, let me explain. If anyone looks, touch, or talk to you. I'm going to kill them. But keep in mind, it'll be your fault I do it". Jeff said. I had a scared look. "Dude, you just can't keep me from-". Jeff cut me off. "I could lock you up in chains, and fuck you senselessly if I wanted". Jeff said. I looked at him, what kinky shit- I need to get away from him. As I stood up I was pulled back down harshly. "Where the hell do you think you're doing"? Jeff asked. "I wanted to go get some air". I said. "There's air here". Jeff said. "Maybe I don't want to breathe the same air as you, bitch". I mumbled. "Ok, maybe you're parents won't be breathing air at all". Jeff said. 

"Ok, damn". I said. "Good girl, now sit". Jeff said. I walked to a recliner chair. "Not over there". Jeff patted his lap. "Come on man"! I groaned. "Now"! Jeff yelled. I slowly and awkwardly sat on Jeff's lap. He grabbed my waist roughly, pulling me into his chest. "Can you at least like, not get a boner"? I asked. "If I did you'll take care of it". Jeff said. I quickly got off of him and ran to the door opening it, and running to the sidewalk. Before I can go any further Jeff grabbed me. I threw a punch and he dodged it, picking me up, putting me over his shoulder and running back to my house. No one saw us no one's up this late. He locked the door again. "That was very bad". Jeff said, he threw me on my bed. "Yeah, well that sounded very wrong". I said. He went and got some shackles. Where the hell did he even put those!? He hooked me to my bed. I could only sit up and lay down. "Today's Friday, so you won't be in school. Guess Where you're going to be". Jeff said. "Let me guess here? I thought so". I said.

"And one more smart thing and you're parents business trip. Might be cut short". Jeff said. I growled at him, pulling my chains. "I fucking hate you"! I yelled. "What was that"? Jeff asked. I fell silent. "That's what I thought. Now be a good girl and kiss me". Jeff said. I glared at him. He kissed me and I kissed him back, he forced his tongue in mouth. He explored every inch of it. I bit his tongue hard. He pulled back. "Bitch"! He yelled. I had a small grin. "You know what, let's make you truly beautiful". Jeff said bring out his knife. What? He traced a smile on my face. Then it hit me. "W-wait! I'm sorry"! I said. I already have my scars I don't need his. He shifted the knife going down towards my shirt. I hadn't realized my hoodie was off. He went down to my chest. "What are you willing to do for your family"? Jeff asked. "I'll die for them". I said.

"Ok, how about you live for them. Expect it, you'll be mine, I'll treat you like a princess if you cooperate". Jeff said. "Why me? Out of every person you killed. Why me"? I asked. "You're different. You're not afraid of me, you fear nothing most people fear. People beg to not be killed, you beg to be killed. And for what? Two people who left you here while a killer was on the loose". Jeff said. "My mom and dad, love me"! I yelled at him. "That's true, but they put to much faith in you. And I'm the only one who'll truly love you, give you what you want, what you need". Jeff said running his hand down to my inner thigh. "I-i". I couldn't get words out. What weird fuckin Stockholm Syndrome is this? "Jeff, if I agree to become yours. Will you leave my family out of this"? I asked. Jeff thought about it for a while. "Sure, but you have to fully commit all of your time to me". Jeff said. "I have school". I said. "A a lot of your time". Jeff said. "Ok". I said. "Kiss to seal"? Jeff asked. He kissed me and I kissed back. "Can you let me out of the chains"? I asked. "Are you going to fight"? Jeff asked.

"No". I mumbled. Jeff unlocked my chains and I rubbed my wrist. We just looked at each other. I poked Jeff's face. "Starring contest go"! I said jokingly. "I will chain you back up". Jeff said. "Why cut off you eyelids? How do you sleep? Do you carry a bottle of eye drops with you? How-". Jeff cut me off. "Shut up". I went quiet. "You talk to much". Jeff said. I looked at his knife that he had set in between his legs. He looked down at where I was looking and put it in his pocket. "Tsk tsk, you said you wouldn't fight". Jeff said. "Technically I'm not". I said. "Smartass". Jeff said. "Dumbass". I mumbled. "What"? "Nothing, by any chance are you staying here or like, just here to annoy me"? I asked. "Both". He said. I remember a knife I kept under my pillow. But I can't risk fighting him, he isn't, it's also like he isn't human. "Is everything on you paper white"? I asked. I don't know why I asked that. "You want to see"? Jeff asked. "No, I'm good". I said. "You sure, I can show you the whole 12 yards". Jeff said. "And this is my que to leave". I said I stood up and Jeff pulled me back down but into his lap.

"You're not supposed to leave without my permission". Jeff whispered in my ear. I closed my eyes. "Everytime you do something bad there will be punishments". Jeff said. "I am a adult". I said. "You're a kid". Jeff said. "Ok, so how old are you"? I asked. He looked at me smirking. "Old enough". He said.  He looked my age maybe a year older. "Can I leave, and plus sitting on your lap is awkward for me". I said. "Ok, make me food". Jeff said. "The fuck? You can make-". He cut me off. "Is that back talk I here"? Jeff asked. I groaned and went to the kitchen to make him some dinner.

Yandere Jeff The Killer x reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now