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(Y/n) POV

The next day Jeff poked me waking me. "Get up, we're going out". Jeff said. "No, leave me alone". I groaned. Jeff pulled me out of my bed. I fell face first on the floor. "Son of bitch"! I yelled in pain. "Get up, woman". Jeff said. "I outta beat the smile off of you". I mumbled. "You have five seconds to get your ass up before I punish you". Jeff said. I didn't get up matter of a fact I fell asleep on the floor. I shot up when a hand came in contact if my ass. "What the fuck"!? I yelled in pain. I was on Jeff's knee bent over. How the hell did he do that? He hit me again. And I winced at  the pain. "You up now". He asked. "Let me up, you fucking-". Jeff cut me off with another hit. "You wanna try that again"? Jeff asked. "Yes I'm up". I said. Jeff and rubbed my butt. He let me up, and I flipped him off. He stood up and I ran to the bathroom locking the door. "Open the damn door"! Jeff yelled angry. I did. "I'm sorry"! I quickly said. "I don't think you are". Jeff said.

"Don't kill my parents". I said. "You say that but keep disobeying me". Jeff said. "I'm sorry ok"! I yelled at him. "Don't fucking yell at me". Jeff said. I went quiet, and slid down the wall. "I'm sorry". I mumbled. Jeff crotched down to my level, he pushed my hair behind my ear. "Are you ok"? Jeff asked. "No, you hit me". I said. "Because I love you". Jeff said. "Bull shit". I said flipping him off again. "Just listen to me". Jeff said. "I do and I choose to ignore you". I said. Jeff kissed me roughly I kissed him back. "Get dressed I'm taking you out". Jeff said. "You're going to kill me"? I asked jokingly. "You're mood changes are annoying". Jeff said walking out. I went to shower and everything, changed into some clothes. Of course I had a hoodie on. I walked out to see Jeff already coming my way. "If we go out promise me you won't try to escape". Jeff said. "Yeah ok". I said. "Jeff it's early why are we going out anyway"? I asked.

"Would you rather I tie you, and you don't leave the house"? Jeff asked. "Would that be guaranteed sleep"? I asked. "That's your fault for staying up all night". Jeff said. "Bitch, you fuckin kept me up"! I yelled. Jeff laughed darkly. There was a knock on the door. "Who is that"? Jeff asked. "Man, I don't know. Do I look like a god to you"? I asked. "Go answer it". Jeff said.  I walked down the stairs Jeff followed close behind me. He hid behind the door. I opened it and it was Billy. "Hey (Y/n)". He said giving me a smile. "Hi". I said. "I came to give you you're homework, and also there's a test on Monday". Billy said. "Thanks Billy". I said giving him a smile. Jeff growled at that. "What was that"? Billy asked. "A dog". I said. "Cool what type of dog do you have"!? Billy asked excited. "It's a mix of a pit bull and a pug. It's honestly pretty ugly. And gets angry when I don't give him attention. Thanks for the homework". I said taking it from him. "Your dog can't be ugly even ugly dogs are cute". Billy said. "My dog had a weird smile on face". I said. "Like smile dog"? Billy asked. "What"? I asked. "Creepypasta. You know Slenderman, Sally, Ben Drowned, Jeff the killer". Billy said.

Jeff looked at me and motioned for me to hurry up. "Thanks"! I said closing the door. "That boy is a fanboy, I'll kill him later". Jeff said. "What"? I asked. "I'll kill him you're mine"! Jeff yelled. "Can you not kill him. He's my friend". I said. "I'm the only one you need". Jeff said. "Well, I'm going to play a game". I said. I turned on the TV on and played my favorite game. It started glitching. "What the fuck"? I asked. A hand popped out. "What the fuck"? I asked jumping up. I tried to fund the remote to turn the TV off. But a elf with bleeding eyes came out. "What the shit"? I asked looking down at him. "Woah who are you babe"? The elf asked. "Dude, aren't you Link from Zelda. Did she claw your eyes out or something? Going through a divorce"? I asked. "You shouldn't have done that". The elf said. "Done what"? I asked. The TV started making a lot static nose. I kicked the elf boy and Jeff ran in. "Ben what the hell are you doing"? Jeff asked. "What the hell am I doing? Who the hell are you doing"? Ben asked. "Excuse you bitch"? I asked this Ben dude.

"You haven't slept with her? Fuck I would". Ben said. "You know what I'm done. Fuck this". I said leaving. "Wait"! Jeff called after me. I didn't. Jeff ran after me stopping me in the hallway. "I said wait". He growled grabbing on to me roughly. I turned around and punched him in the face, that was out of instinct, I knew I fucked up. Jeff looked at me with a sad angry look in his eyes. "I'm sorry"! I said running away. "Get your ass back here"! Jeff yelled after me. He caught me pinning me against the wall. I turned my head in fear. "Woman, this is your last time hitting me. And just for that, that friend of yours dies"! Jeff said. "I'm sorry"! I said. Jeff grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him. "He dies, but it's ok! I'm the only one you could ever love". Jeff laughed. I closed my eyes with a fear look on my face. "I'm not going to do anything, but if you hit me again there will be seriously consequences. And the deals off, I'll kidnap you, kill you mom and dad. And punish you, the way I want to". Jeff said lightly rubbing my cheeks. "Look at me". Jeff said. I was scared. "Look at me"! He yelled. I opened my eyes and he kissed me.

Jeff grabbed me and pulled me back to the living room. "Ben, get the hell out". Jeff growled at Ben. Ben ignored his threat and walked over to me. "Hey babe". He said winking. "Hi dude". I said. "Don't talk to him"! Jeff yelled at me. "He's talking to me". I said. "Is he me? No. Shut up". Jeff said. I glared at him. "Ben get your ass out now before I make you beautiful". Jeff said with a dark, happy, creepy voice. Ben shivered at that and quickly left. "Bye sweetheart"! Ben said to me before leaving. I waved as he left. "Jeff where are we going"? I asked. "No where". Jeff said sitting down. "But- why- whatever I'm going back to bed". I mumbled. "No, stay here". Jeff said. I groaned and sat far away from him. "You know, you keep moving from me.  It's almost like you don't love me". Jeff said. "What? Me? Ha"! I said sarcastically. I was on my phone. Jeff took it from me. "Dude". I mumbled. "Give me a kiss". Jeff said. "Give me a gun". I said. "Why would I give your ass a gun"? Jeff asked. "Why would I-". Jeff cut me off with his knife. "Kiss me". He growled. I kissed his cheek.

Yandere Jeff The Killer x reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now