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(Y/n) POV

I walked around the house and then as I wondered, I realized. How the hell did I just let him take me? "Jeff open up"! A voice yelled. "Jeff give me back my stethoscope"! The voice yelled. The door opened. I wasn't even trying to hide. Matter of a fact I just sat on the couch. The man just looked at me he had on a doctors coat and a medical mask. "Oh look a new patient"! He said. "I'm not sick". I said. "Who's ready for their operation"? He asked. "Not me. Like I'm so serious dude". I said turning the channel. "Wait, you're Jeff's girl (Y/n) right"? He asked. "No are you"? I asked. He looked at me offended. "First let's operate you're mouth". The dude said. "I'm not giving you a blow job dude". I said. He looked at me. "You are a strange person". The man said. "Thanks". I said. He came closer to me. The door burst open and a loud growl was heard. "Get the hell away from her"! Jeff yelled. "If I were you I would move". I said. "How the hell did you get out of your chains"? Jeff asked. "Because I'm awesome". I said. "Jeff where's my stethoscope"? The guy asked. "Smiley I don't have you're stethoscope". Jeff growled. "Fuck"! This smiley guy said while leaving. Jeff looked at me.

"You're in so much trouble". Jeff said. "Why"? I asked. "Because you're out of your chains". Jeff said. "Boy bye". I said. "Well at least you didn't leave the house". Jeff said. "Whatever". I said. Jeff walked over to me and I backed away from him. "Where you going"? Jeff asked. "Away from you". I said. Jeff pushed me down on the floor. "Dude"! I said. "Fuck you". Jeff said. I looked at him offended. "Dude get your bipolar ass away from me". I said. "I'm bipolar"? Jeff asked. "Yes you are". I said. "Make me food woman". Jeff said. "No". I said. Jeff looked at me. "I think you've gotten to comfortable, maybe I should remind you of your master". Jeff said. "Master Splinter, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"! I said jokingly. "Tomorrow night I want you on that bed, clothes off and ready". Jeff whispered in my ear. "No". I said. "It's not a choice". Jeff said. "Jeff I don't want to, I feel bad". I said. "You're lying to me". Jeff said. "No I'm not". I said. "Y'know I want our relationship to not be based on lies". Jeff said. "I'm not lying". I lied. "Jeff pulled out his knife that was covered in dry blood. "Ok where does it hurt". He asked running his knife up my side. "So what do you want for dinner"? I asked. "That's better". Jeff said.

"I'm not afraid of you". I said. "Really"? Jeff asked amused. "Jeff I'm here because I have no where else to go. I could leave when ever I want". I said. "Ok, let's see how true that is". Jeff said. "What"? I asked. "You have a 10 second head start. If I don't catch you I'll let you be on your way. If I do, let's just say you won't like it". Jeff said. "Ok, peace". I said running out. As I ran for 19 seconds I saw Jeff right behind me. I speeded up and then after I was almost home free. A big ass wolf dog the fuck? With a smile jumped out of no fuckin were. I for one loved animals but this dog, was fucking big and it had a smile. It ran at me I turned around and ran into Jeff trying to get away from the dog. "Don't let it bite me! I have no fuckin hospital insurance"! I yelled running into his arms. Jeff held me. "I got you". Jeff said. The dog was now in front of us. Jeff walked up to him and petted him. My mouth dropped. "Thanks smile". Jeff said handing the dog a treat. "You cheated"! I yelled angry. The dog growled. Then a loud static was heard. Jeff groaned. "Hello children". Slenderman said. "Hi"! I said looking up at him. "What"!? Jeff said.

"Why did you not attack smile dog like the others"? Slenderman asked me. "I can't hurt animals". I said. "He tried to attack you". Slenderman said. "I still couldn't do it". I said. "Child would you like to be a creepy pasta"? Slenderman asked me. "No she does not". Jeff said. "Hush Jeffery". Slenderman said. "Well she's my property and I said no". Jeff said. "Child has he had sex with you"? Slenderman asked. "Wow". I said. "Yes I have fucked her, therefore by law she is mine and I can do whatever I want with her". Jeff said. "By what law"? I asked the dog. He gave me a look. "The law of a pasta". Jeff said. "Actually that sounds good. You want shrimp pasta for dinner"? I asked Jeff. They both looked at me. "Look I don't care what I be. You're scary food or your whatever you think is going on between you and I". I said. "You're my girlfriend". Jeff said. "I quit". I said. "You what"? Jeff asked. "I quit being your girl friend". I said. "You can't break up with me". Jeff said. "Well I tried". I said. "So, what's up"? I asked to Slenderman. He looked down at me. "I have to go". Slenderman said and vanished. "I'm going to bed". I mumbled. "Wait I'm hungry"! Jeff yelled. I gave him 20 dollars. "Buy some sushi". I said walking away. "You sleep with me"! Jeff yelled. "I sleep on the couch"! I yelled walking into the house. When I woke up I was in Jeff's bed he was holding me. I tried to pull away but I felt something sharp against my neck. I turned and a knife was right at my eye. "Jeff". I said. The knife came closer to my eye. "Oh shit. Jeff"! I yelled. He dropped the knife, took off his sleeping mask and looked at me. "What"? He asked. "Why am I here"? I asked. "Because". He mumbled and turned away from me. I got up and went to the bathroom. I took a birth control pill. I jumped when I looked in the mirror. I turned and saw Jeff was standing behind me.

"What"? I asked. "You're birthday is soon right"? He asked taking the pills from me and dumping them in the toilet. "No". I said. "You sure? Must been some other bitch". Jeff said. "You calling me a bitch"? I asked. "My bitch". Jeff said. "Fuck you". I said. "When"? Jeff asked. "Right now". I said jokingly. "Shit you don't have to tell me twice". Jeff said. He picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Jeff"! I said. He smacked my ass and put me on the bed. "All fours". Jeff said. I looked at him. "No". I simply said. "Woman I will chain you up". Jeff said. "I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down. I'm just a sucker for pain". I said. "Kinky". Jeff said. "Come on let me have sex. I have needs". Jeff said. "B- boy I almost called you out. Fuck your needs none of my needs have been satisfied". I said. "What do you want me to do? Let you be on top"? Jeff asked. "I'm not talking about sex". I said. "What then damn". Jeff said. "You make me clean, cook, and have sex with you. Is that all I am to you"? I asked. "Sounds like a good thing to me". Jeff said. "Y'know what you can clean, cook, and jerk off because for now. I'm on strike, I'm not a thing". I said walking out angry. "Babe! Come on! Baby"! Jeff called after me.

Yandere Jeff The Killer x reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now