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(Y/n) POV

Holy shit naked mole rat attacked me. I mean the garden tool to dude, shit yeah the Rake. "Ok bitch you wanna play". I said punching him in the face hard. He dropped off of me. And I kicked him in the side. "Hold my candy". I told Toby. I got a knife I stole from the mall. "Wrong day man". I said twirling my knife. He got up and ran at me. Slenderman had came in between us. "Children stop this"! He boomed. I dropped my knife. "Yes sir sorry". I said. I looked at saw Toby eating my candy. "Dude". I said. "M-my bad". Toby said laughed. "Rake stopped fighting her. If you know you'll lose". Slenderman said. "Hey (Y/n) quick question. Does Jeff know you're here"? Ben asked me. "Man, I ain't even want to come here. LJ just dragged me here". I said. "Well when he finds out he'll be pissed". Ben said. "All the better reason to keep her here for a while". Sully said. I smiled at him. "I like him". I said. "Yeah, don't get to friendly with Liu and Sully. Jeff won't hesitate to kill him". Ben said. "My brother won't do shit". Liu said. "He comes by me he dies". Sully said holding his gun.

"So any sweet cheeks. Wanna hang"? Sully asked. "Shut up Sully. We don't talk to females like that". Liu scolded Sully. "Come on how can Jeff get a fine piece of ass like that"? Sully said. "Honestly tho". Ben mumbled. A loud static was heard and it had everyone on the ground covering their ears but Toby. "You all will treat this lady with respect". Slenderman said then left. "Honestly being here is way more fun then being with Jeff". I said laughing. "That's because of me doll". Sully said smirking then winking at me. I laughed. Nina and Jane came in. "All of you need to stop giving this whore attention". Nina said. "S-she's n-not you". Toby said. "Thanks Tob". I said. "Aww shut. That's all she is Jeff's little sex doll. His property. You're a whore". Nina said. "I suggest you shut up". Ben said. "You're all wrapped around her little finger. She must fuck you guys to. Is that why she's always with your little group of boys". Jane said.

"You guys are mad because none of us like you two". Masky spoke. "Yeah, it takes a lot to make LJ not like you. You two are bitches". Hoody said. "Stay out of this proxy's and unwanted creatures. This is between us and her". Nina said. EJ walked up to them I sighed and told him to just stay back. "Man, leave me the fuck alone. I'm not about to argue with low life girls. Nina if I'm Jeff's hoe that's my business and I'm no ones hoe. Matter of a fact aren't you the one that's waiting for that booty call that will never happen from Jeff? And Jane who gives a fuck about what he did to you. Did you not call the police on them? If anything you should know snitches get stitches in your case burned. So leave me the fuck alone because if you want to fight me shut the fuck up and swing". I said holding my hand to my cheek and tapping it as a sign to hit me. "We could kill you easily". Jane said. My friends started to walk to them. "No, guys I got this. They said stay out of it, so just chill". I said. They nodded. "Ok, try to kill me". I said taking my knife and gun out of my pockets and setting them on the floor.

"I'll make it easier for you. So just to let y'know. You touch me you fucking die". I growled. Nina and Jane looked at me and walked off. "I like her Liu. Can we steal her from Jeff". Sully asked Liu. "Shut up Sully"! EJ growled. "He's joking". Liu said. "Well make him not joke. And I tell you now, Jeff is coming so bounce". Ben said. "All the better reason to stay". Sully said laughing. "Come on sweet cheeks. Let's sit and wait for my brother". Sully said. "I'll sit with Liu not you". I said. "Awwww but I'm the fun one"! Sully said. "Whatever. But only because I'm leaving anyway". I said picking up my weapons and sitting beside Liu. Not even a second Sully was flirting. 3 minutes later Jeff came in highly upset. Sully how manage to make me sit in his lap and stay there. I don't even know how that happened. I guess Liu took a damn vacation. "Let her go". Jeff growled. "No thanks we're really connecting". Liu said laughing.

Jeff got out his knife and jumped at Liu I ducked and rolled out that bitch. There was gun shots and blood everywhere. "Crazy over here". I mumbled to myself. EJ and Masky manage to break up the fight. Liu had multiple bad cuts on him that was deep and oozing Jeff was shot in the arm. "You two need to chill the fuck out". I said. "Shut the hell up"! Jeff said to me. "Daaaammmnnn". I said. "(Y/n) right shut the fuck up. And sit the fuck down". Masky said. "If Slenderman hear all of this shit we fucked". Hoody said. "S-so quiet"! Toby yelled twitchy violently. "Whatever. (Y/n) let's go". Jeff said. "Yes sir captain jackass". I said walking out. "Bye guys". I called back.

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