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(Y/n) POV

I woke up too see that I was chained down to my bed. I groaned. This shit again. I'm to tired for this shit. I turned and saw Jeff staring at me. I screamed. He jumped up. "What the fuck"!? He yelled. "Unchain me". I demanded angry. He gave me a look. "I ain't playing with you, asshole. Fucking unchain me you cum stained emo Joker"! I yelled at him. He looks taken back and got up. He looked at the clock. "To early to hear your bitching". Jeff said in a raspy voice. "Jeff please I'm uncomfortable". I said. Jeff eyed me and walked out. I pulled on the chains and Jeff walked back in on the phone. "Yeah, how long she can be laying on her back"? Jeff said. I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation. "Ok". Jeff asked. "How about sex"? Jeff asked. "Ok". Jeff said. He hung up. I glared at him. "Don't be stupid". Jeff said. "I'm not stupid you're just a dumbass". I growled. He laughed.

"H-hey"! Toby said. Jeff frowned. "What the hell are you doing here"? Jeff asked. "N-nothing much-h". Toby said walking over to me and sitting on the bed. I smiled at him. "Hey Toby"! I said. He had his mouth guard on but I could tell he was smiling. "Hey (Y/n), h-how's the twins"? He asked touching my stomach. "Since when was it ok for you to touch her"? Jeff asked. Toby looked at him and back at me. "Do you have a problem with it"? Toby asked. "Not really, and there fine". I said. Jeff rolled his eyes. "W-why is she tied up"? Toby asked. "Why are you here"? Jeff asked. Toby clapped his hands. "Slenderman w-wants y-you. So you can either bring my b-best friend, or LJ, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, Ben and I w-will keep h-her company here". Toby smiled. "We're here BTW"! Ben yelled. Jeff growled. "Why the hell does he want me!? Aren't you, Masky, and Hoodie the fucking top proxies"!? Jeff asked. Toby laughed. "Well, go D-don't keep master w-waiting". Toby laughed evily. I blinked. "What the hell"? I asked. "Toby hasn't eaten waffles in like a day! He's off"! EJ called. "Give him a snicker"! LJ said. "Hey if you want waffles I can fix you some". I said. Toby broke my chains and ran carrying me bridal style to the kitchen.

"Please"!? Toby said. I laughed. "Who wants breakfast"? I asked. They all raised there hand. "Jeff...". I said. He looked at me. "Sorry". I mumbled. Jeff walked over to me. "Make me bacon". He said, he was really close to my face. I blushed. I nodded holding my head down, hiding my face. Jeff grabbed my chin lightly. He brought my face up to look at him. "Don't get mad at me". He said. I nodded. His smile widen and he kissed me. "You're mine ok? Y'know I do this because I love you". Jeff said. I nodded. He kissed my forehead and walked off. Toby looked at me with a thumbs up. "That was adorable". LJ said. Masky and Hoody did not have there masks on. So you could see them smirking while EJ was laughing. "You guys are so mean"! I whined. Toby hugged me from behind. "Feed m-me waffles please"! He begged. "Fine! Fine! Guys you'll all eat in a minute". I said. 20 minutes after I finished cooking they all were at the table. "Did Toby tell you Slenderman wants you"? Masky asked. "Y-yes I did. Y-you s-say t-that l-like I w-wouldn't do i-it M-masky". Toby stuttered out worse than usual. "Just eat your waffles". Masky said. Toby started to violently twitch. "Hey Toby are you ok"? I asked. His mouth piece was off. So he smiled. "I'm fine these waffles are really good". Toby said. I smiled. "Do you know what the fuck he wants"? Jeff asked Masky, who shrugged and ate his food. "Ok I'll get going bye". Jeff left.

Yandere Jeff The Killer x reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now