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(Y/n)'s POV

When I woke up I felt something wet drip down my leg. My water broke. But I'm early really early. I started to panic. Then pain came. "Jeff"! I yelled. He jumped up. "What woman"! He asked. "Babies". I said. "Babies"? He asked not fully awake. He the  got it. "Babies"! He yelled throwing clothes on and running out of the room. All I could hear was him yelling for EJ and Doctor Smiley. He was even yelling for Slenderman. I put on a hoodie. "Ahh Jeff". I yelled in pain. Ben ran by. "Are you guys having se- oh my slenderhell (Y/n)". Ben said running to me. EJ and Doctor Smiley both ran in with Jeff. "It hurts". I said crying. EJ stuck me with a needle. The pain lowered a little. "I need to look down there". Doc said. Jeff eyes widen. "No"! He yelled. "I mean how is he gonna deliver it without y'know. Looking". Ben said. Jeff growled. "Jeffrey. What's more important your children or you pride"? Slenderman asked. Jeff looked like he was thinking. "Fine". He said. Doctor Smiley and EJ was down there delivering the babies. Slenderman was there. When the babies came out. I had fell asleep.

Jeff's POV

This is bad. The babies didn't make it. They came to early. Smiley said it wasn't anyone's fault we did everything we could do. I don't know how to tell (Y/n). I had tears rolling down my eyes. Everyone was comforting me. Even Jane gave me some words. I couldn't believe this. I covered my face. "There has to be something we can do"! I yelled. "Jeffery. I wish I could. But I can't. Maybe if they were alive for a second I could do something. But... I'm afraid I cannot". Slender said to me. I growled angrily. Smiley and EJ were still examining the babies. "M-maybe you should go c-check on (Y/n). She needs y-you right now". Toby walked from my room. "You sure she wants me? Or are you just saying that"? I asked. "Why would Toby lie Jeff"? Clockwork asked. I went to my room and (Y/n) was crying. "Toby told you"? I asked wiping her tears. She nodded. "It's my fault". She cried. "Don't fucking say that. We did everything we could to care for those babies". I said. "Maybe I could have done more Jeff"! She yelled at me. I hugged her and she cried into my chest. "Please, don't get mad. Stress is not the best thing for you right now". I said. It hurts to watch her like this, and it hurts even more that there's no one for me to hurt for making her cry.

She pulled away from me. "Can I at least see them"? (Y/n) asked. "I don't want you to"? I said. I really don't. "Please Jeff". She begged. I nodded and I carried her to the infirmary. The babies were dead. I could tell all of us could tell just by the on glance. (Y/n) hugged me. "Babe, we can make others. Hell we can start right now". I tried to lighten the mood. But I don't think that worked. She slapped me. "Ow"! I groaned. I couldn't drop her. "Don't joke like that"! She yelled at me. I was not joking. "Sorry". I said. I kissed her. I walked us back to my room. EJ, LJ, Toby, Masky, Hoodie, and Ben were waiting. Masky, Hoodie, EJ, and Toby didn't wear they face stuff. LJ was crying and Ben was looking down. I put (Y/n) in the bed and she looked at all of us and smiled. "You guys are the best friends anyone could ever have". She smirk. LJ and Ben burst out crying while the proxy's were smiling at her. EJ stuck his tongue out and she laughed.

"Babe". I said. "Jeff I can't stand you". She said. Wow that was mean. "But at the same time I love you. But I also want to push you off a cliff". She said. I laughed. "S-sounds like love to m-me.  My c-clock always says t-that about me". Toby said. "Actually she calls you clingy and annoying". Masky said. Toby smiled at him. "H-hey Masky-". Toby was cut off. "Don't you dare start with me". Masky said. Toby smiled. I laughed and so did (Y/n). "So what were you going to name them"? EJ asked. "I was going to let Jeff do it". (Y/n) said. "Erza and Mira". I said. They looked at me. "What"? They asked. (Y/n) was basically crying from happiness. "You watched Fairy Tail"! She said. I nodded. "Two strongest girls in my opinion". I said. "Oh right Fairy Tail great anime". Ben said. I walked over to her. "Next time, we'll have those babies". I kissed her. She smiled. "Or we can just keep having sex, I like that way better". I said. He pushed me away and I laughed.

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