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(Y/n) POV

At school I felt like he was everywhere watching me. I was so jumpy there was no sign of Billy. And I never wanted to be alone. I accidentally bump into someone. "Sorry". I mumbled. "Be careful bitch". I turned around to see a girl wearing a black dress, with brown hair but her tips were died blond, with blue eyes. She was popular. "I'm sorry I think your mouth was full of shit, wanna repeat that"? I asked. "Who are you anyway"? She asked tsking at me. "The girl that's gonna beat your ass so bad your momma won't even recognize you". I said. She looked afraid. "Yeah that's what I thought so expect the damn apology. And let it the hell go". I said. I put my hood up and went to the cafeteria, I sat at my table. I wasn't even hungry. At the end of the day I took the bus home, I was listening to music. When I made it home I didn't even want to go in, I wanted to run. I looked to the woods, that we would be stupid. There's obviously more like Jeff out there. But what if my parents are out there, at Jeff's house or wherever he lived.

I walked in the woods good thing it wasn't night time. As I walked I heard noises. I climbed up a tree looking down. It was that LJ guy with Ben. "LJ Jeff's probably with his girlfriend, have you seen her? She is smokin". Ben said. "Yeah, she hit me in my gumdrops". LJ said Ben cringed. "Sorry buddy". Ben said. "H-hey guys"! Toby yelled. "Hey Toby". LJ said. "I j-just s-saw Jeff with a-a decapitated h-head". Toby said laughing. "He isn't with that girl"? Ben asked. "No, s-she should b-be a-at school". Toby said. "Why did Jeff have a head"? LJ asked. "H-he said s-some g-girl was messing with-h (Y-y/n)". Toby said. God that girl who called me a bitch, damn it Jeff if I wanted her dead I'll do it myself. "M-masky and H-hoodie should b-be here". Toby said. They looked around and I backed back. "Hi". A figured with a mask and black lips said hanging up side down in my face scaring the shit out of me. "What the fuck"!? I yelled falling out the tree. Holy shit I'm going to die. I fell on LJ the good thing is, he was really tall and he caught me. I kicked him in the face back flipping off his shoulders and ran. I ran straight into a orange hooded guy with a black mask. I fell down.

"How many damn boys are in this fuckin woods"!? I yelled. The others caught up with me they pinned me down. "Look I ain't the one for rape, so if you're going to kill me do it". I said. "N-no one's g-going to rape y-you". Toby said. "You sure you're kinda cute"? I asked. They all looked at me. "Ooo Masky you gave Jeff's girlfriend brain damage". LJ said. "I'm ok". I said. "Now if you all can be so kind as to let me the fuck up before I beat your asses, thank you". I said. They let me up. "Ok so you're Masky and you are..."? I asked. "Hoodie". The guy I bumped into said. "Alright so why is your name Hoodie and yours is Masky? I've seen another one of you guys that wears a hoodie and a mask, I think his name is EJ. Plus Jeff, and Toby here wear a hoodie, so I'm confused". I said. They all just looked at me. "She has a point". Ben said laughing. "Ok so can you direct me to the hell out of here"? I asked. "You're house is that way. Why are you out here? You could be killed". Hoodie said. "I don't care, do you have any idea where Jeff is keeping my parents"? I asked them. "If we did, we couldn't tell you, because Jeff is fuckin crazy". Masky said. "Aren't all of you crazy"? I asked. "Jeff has that certain tick that makes him fearful. What you should do is suck it up and except that you're probably going to marry him-". LJ cut Ben off. "And have little kiddies together"! LJ said creepily.

"No! I don't want that. Dude I'm still in school, I was planning on dying alone"! I said. "We'll plans change". Hoodie said. "Guys why are you all in the middle of the woods"? A voice called. "EJ you met (Y/n) right"? Ben asked. "Oh yeah, she almost killed me". EJ said. "You tried to cut me". I said. "I was hungry". EJ said. "If you want a organ just ask". I said. "Can I have your kidney"? EJ asked. "Hell no". I said. He frowned. "I'm sorry, hey I know where you can get kidneys. My mom is a doctor and I have keys into the organ room in the hospital". I said smiling. "I like you, we're friends now". EJ said. "Can I be your friend"? Ben asked. "Sure you all can if you want". I said. "Ok then lollipop, here's a piece of candy! And no silly it isn't poison"! LJ said happily. "Oh cool". I said taking the candy. "W-we are deeply s-sorry for the t-things you have to go t-through with Jeff". Toby said. "Yeah me to". I said. "Well you can call us Tim and Brian if you want". Masky said. "You have a bitchy fit when we call you two that". Ben said. "Well she's a girl". Hoodie said. "I like you're nicknames". I said smiling at them. Ben's phone rang after a minute he got off. "Jeff's looking for you". Ben said. "Well I should go before he destroys my house". I said.

"Bye"! They all called out. What a nice bunch of people. When I made it to my front door I took a deep breath. When I opened the door Jeff tackled me. "Where were you? I was so worried"! Jeff said. "I was at school". I said catching my breath. "I looked for you in school and I didn't see you? Are lying to me"? Jeff asked. "Who? Me? Never". I said. "Good because I'll hate for you to get punished. Well unless you want to be". Jeff said running his hand up my thighs. I quickly got up. "I have to pee"! I yelled running to the down stairs bathroom. After 5 minutes, Jeff knocked on the door. "Babe"! Jeff yelled. I came out the bathroom. "I want to have sex". Jeff said. "What"? I asked. "I love you so let's have sex". Jeff said. "I'm a little to young and a virgin". I said. "I know you're a virgin, I like that. So pure so fresh, I can be your first". Jeff said. "I'm good thank you though". I said. "Ok let me rephrase, we're having sex". Jeff said. "Oh hi Jeff"! My new friends came in. I smiled to myself. "What"!? Jeff growled. "Well since you're going to be here a lot. We thought we get to know your girlfriend". Masky said.

"No, she's mine". Jeff said. "We don't want to fuck her". Ben said. I looked at him. "Not that you're not pretty". Ben added. I smiled at him. "You guys hungry"? I asked. "I-i can e-eat". Toby said. "Well how about chicken. I'll go make chicken". I said. "I'll help". Jeff said. "So will I"! Hoodie said. "A-actually Jeff, S-slenderman w-wants you". Toby said. "What the hell does he want"? Jeff asked annoyed. "I d-don't ask q-questions I j-just follow o-orders". Toby said. Jeff growled. "Watch her". Jeff said leaving. I sighed. "You ok"? LJ asked me. "Yep, so I'll just cook". I said.  "You don't have to". Hoodie said. "Naw, I should. When Jeff gets back I can make him eat and pray he chokes on it". I said. "(Y/n) Jeff actually a really good- no not good none of us are good. He's a... He loves you. I'm his best friend I'll know". Ben said. "I'll keep it in mind". I said.

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