Chapter 1

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A/N Ashton's outfit above ;)

Ashton's POV




I groaned and reached up to turn off the alarm clock that was so rude to wake me up this morning. It was the first day of my senior year at Westwood High School. I reluctantly rolled out of bed and started to get dressed. I chose a white, sleeveless crop top and a red, navy and white flannel shirt out of my closet and some ripped denim shorts out of my dresser and put it on, leaving the flannel unbuttoned. I threw on my white nikes and went into the bathroom to curl my hair and put on some natural makeup. I put on my leather bracelet and my silver dog tags for my brother and dad.

They had died in Iraq two months ago. It was my way of honoring them. I only ever took them off to shower and sleep.

I headed downstairs and grabbed an apple and my backpack and started my walk to school.

When I got there I saw my best friends Emma and Charlotte standing around with a huge crowd of people yelling, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" I walked over to see what was happening to find myself looking at the one and only Jett Stone beating a poor boy to a pulp.

Jett Stone is the head bad boy of the school, along with his bad boy posse that consisted of four other boys. Neo Cooper, Jett's right hand man. He was the one who usually covered for Jett when he was getting in trouble. Then you have the Harper twins, Max and Jax. They were the pranksters. Lastly, you have Ryder Brady. No one really knew about him. He was quiet and mysterious.

I looked over to the horrified expressions on my friend's faces. I looked back to the small boy that Jett was beating up. He was already unconscious, yet Jett kept going. Alarm bells were going off in my head. Someone had to help! I ran over to Jett and tried to push him off earning me a punch to the face that was intended for the boy. I could already taste the blood. Jett looked up at me and I thought saw the small flash of remorse in his eyes before his angry mask came back.

"Who the heck do you think you are?!" he shouted.

"Who the heck do I think I am?! Are you kidding me? Who do you think you are?!" I yelled back. "What did he do to deserve that?!"

He crossed his arms over his chest and replied, "He got in my way." And shrugged. My eyes widened into saucers.

" He got in your way? Are you serious?" My voice was lower than I thought possible. I was livid. "If you think you are cool enough to beat an innocent person to a pulp, and get away with it, oh sweet Jesus are you wrong. He is unconscious, yet you still had the audacity to keep going. You, Jett Stone, are a terrible and awful person who deserves what you just gave him." I finished.

He took a step closer to me and lowered his face to be level with mine. "And what is someone like you gonna do about at it, huh?" I took a step back and did the first thing that came to my mind. I slapped him. Hard. And then I turned around and walked to class. But not before I heard him yell.

"Ashton Becker, I am not done with you!"

What have I done?

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