Chapter 7

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A/N Jett's motorcycle :)

Ashton's POV

When the last bell rang, I walked out to see it was raining.


I started the long, wet walk back to my house.

Nearly halfway there, I hear an engine running behind me. I look over to see Jett on a motorcycle pulling over. Of course he had a motorcycle.

"Get on Ash!" he yelled. There was no way I was getting on that bike. "Hecks to the no. There is no way I'm getting on that in the rain. It's not safe." I retorted. I started walking again when I heard, "Please Kitten? You'll get home quicker." I sighed and turned around and took the helmet out of the back and swung my leg over the side and wrapped my hands around his waist. He was surprisingly warm.

"How did you know how to get on and where the helmet was?" he asked. "My brother had a bike. He always kept the helmet in the trunk. He would never teach me how to drive. But mom's number one rule was he had to take the car out in the rain instead of the bike. It's in the garage if you wanna check it out." I replied simply. "Huh. Sure."

We pulled into my house and walked into the house.

"Hey mom! I'm home! Do you know where any towels are?"

I heard a "My bathroom" in response. "Thank you!"

I led Jett to the bathroom and handed him a towel.

"Stay here for a second. I'll be right back." I told him. He nodded and I ran up to my brother's room to grab some sweatpants and a t-shirt. They were about the same height and a similar build, so I assumed they would fit him. I grabbed some pj shorts and another one of my brother's t-shirts to wear. I went back downstairs to find Jett shirtless with a towel around his waist. I gulped and handed him the clothes with a shaky hand. He must've noticed because he looked at me and winked with a smirk. I blushed and turned around to change. I was so glad I was wearing good underwear and had a good bra on, because I totally forgot that one, there was not a door separating me from Jett, and two, the entire bathroom is made of mirrors. I blushed, yet again and led him to my bedroom to start on the project.

"Bringing me to your bedroom already Kitten? Frisky are we?" He smirked.

"Ew no! You're disgusting, Stone." I rolled my eyes and shuddered at his comment. We sat on my bed and started asking each other random questions.

"Favorite color?" I asked.

"Grey. You?"

"Same. Or Mint, never been able to choose."

"How tall are you?"

"5'6." I grumbled. I never was very tall. "What about you?"

"6'3. Your so small!" he laughed.

"Got any other siblings?" He asked in a small voice, trying not to push me. I appreciated that. It was sweet. He was kinda cute when he was being sweet.

What the heck? He's not being cute. He's Jett Stone I don't like him.

"Uh yeah I have and older sister, Kenzie, she's a sophomore in college." I replied "You?"

"Yeah, actually. I have a younger brother and sister. They're 14. And they're twins." he shuddered in disgust.

I laughed so hard I snorted. I quickly covered my mouth and he bust out laughing. I blushed and looked down and started to play with my hands. Once he had composed himself he said, "That was the most adorable thing I have ever heard!" My eyes widened.

What did he just say?

Jett's POV

"That was the most adorable thing I have ever heard!" I said. Her eyes widened. Did I really just say that? Why did I say that? I mean don't get me wrong, it really was the most adorable thing I have ever heard. It was so cut- Wait no, she's not cute. She's Ashton Becker, Kitten. I can't like her.

"So... I-uh what's one thing you've always wanted to learn?" she asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Uh, um I guess I-I've always wanted t-to learn how to speak another l-language I guess." I stuttered out. I have never once stuttered. Ever. "What about you?" I ask.

"I've always wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle. I guess I could always teach myself on my brother's, but I don't want to crash it. My mom would have my head." sh answered, chuckling to herself.

"I could teach you." I blurted out. Oh my goodness what is wrong with me today?

She looked up at me, her eyes full of hope. "Really? You would do that?" she asked, her voice so quiet I could barely even hear her.

"Sure. We could work on the project, too. You know like while you're practicing. We can start on my bike, if you don't feel comfortable on your brother's. Um, if you don't mind asking, what was your brother's name?" I asked.

"Reed, but everyone called him Shortstack. He was one of the youngest ones in the army." she said, practically beaming. I noticed she always got sad when she talked about her dad, but was always so happy talking about her brother. I think she was probably closer to her dad, so it was harder to get over his death, but with her brother, she was still close but had learned to remember the good times. I smiled. She was so strong.
What the heck?! Why am I thinking about these things?! I couldn't like her. I couldn't. Could I?

What are you doing to me Ashton Becker?

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