Yugo Promise

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First thing is first....I'm skipping the scenes because i'm lazy but I do remember that Yuzu has gotten kidnapped and that's when Serena comes in the scene. Yuya's friends (NEW) and of course there in the other dimension where Yugo is. Also Kamiko is now 8-9 years old now.

Enjoy and continue reading 

Kamiko and the other's arrive at the Synchro dimension where it seemed to be a motorcycle dueler runner tournament going on.

"This dimension is even different from the one we were in." Yuya said.

"I think i'll go look around for a bit." Kamiko said as she left Yuya and his friends to scan around the area.

As Kamiko was walking around the new dimension since she had to go find Yuzu and bring her back so that they can discuss it. Soon after she spotted a girl with pink hair and a biker uniform of the shade color of red.

"Yuzu!" Kamiko shouted as Yuzu whips her head to see the young girl running over to her.

"Kamiko? What are you doing here?" Yuzu asked.

"Simple enough to ask you to come back and let us explain on the way. I have a bad feeling about what's going on when we-" Kamiko was cut off by another boy that looks exactly like dad due to his hair color. He was wearing a duel disk and the face that he was making was unpleasant at all.

"Well, looks like I have no trouble at all into finding Zuzu." He grinned.

"Who're you?" Kamiko asked.

"It's that guy who's been chasing me through dimension to dimension. What's your problem creep." Yuzu asked annoyed at the teenage boy who was smirking.

"I rather have you call me 'Yuri' instead of insults." Yuri grinned and dark chuckles.

"Yuri..." Kamiko whispered as Yuri's eyes trace over to her as his widen slightly a bit.

'That girl....the Obelisk force have informed me about the strange affects that this girl is using against them. But what?' Yuri thought.

"Soon you'll be joining with me for now." Yuri said.

"NOT ON MY WATCH!" They heard a roaring motorcycle riding nearby as Yugo arrived at the scene to stop Yuri, but Yuzu's bracelet lets him get away.

"What the...he's gone..." Yugo whispered loudly.

"Yeah. No kidding when that creepy guy shows up again I am going to wipe him out big time." Kamiko said.

"Hey, I never expected a kid to be here. Nice to meet you i'm Yugo!" He grinned cheekily.

"Kamiko. It's a pleasure to meet you, Yugo." Kamiko said.

"What are you doing here, Kamiko? Are you trying to sign up to enter the duel runner race?" Yugo asked.

"I'm not so sure of doing that. But, it's worth a try to get things right around here. Okay then, I guess joining this duel would be....fun." Kamiko says in a awkward tone.

"It sure is! I'm most likely ready to see who will the winner be this year." Yugo grinned.

"Yugo can lend you on a promise?" Kamiko asked.

"Sure. What do you want me to promise about?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

"Promise me that you'll be safe. I just sense a bad feeling inside my body telling me that something will go wrong and it's you." Kamiko explained.

"Haha! What're you a psycho or something?" Yugo chuckled as Yuzu used her fan to whip his head as he whimper making his laughter stop.

"Okay, sorry for my behavior. Anyway, Yugo promise and i'll be on the look out for anything suspicious, Kamiko." Yugo said.

"Thank you." Kamiko faintly smiled.

Yuto Sakaki's FUTURE Daughter《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now