The plan

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Hellos my dear readers. Today we have a fan. She's fiery , cute ,beautiful and Popular  EliteFangirl35
Thanks alot from the bottom of my heart. This chapter is dedicated to you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

 This chapter is dedicated to you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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Chapter 2

----------------The Plan -----------------

As Dean was dragging Mia heading for the toilet a voice was heard from the top.

“Ahem, I would like to request the following to come to my office immediately..." Deans name was mentioned by the speaker.

“You are lucky Mia, I will finish what I started after this. ” Dean's grip loosened making Mia's  face to hug the floor.
Mia was lucky and a thought of ditching school flashed in her mind but she needed the grades more than anything. Back in the office of Mr Oxford, the principal lined up some students including Dean who were promised a trip to France for their good grades.

“As you can see the school is very picky on matters like trips.”
Dean coughs sarcastically.

“This time only three will go” the principal says as Dean chokes unintentionally.

“Dean can't you see I am addressing an  important matter. I can lend you my position to speak since it seems you have something better to say. ”

Maximilian  who was Deans current rival claps his hands silently behind the principal. Dean just rolls  his eyes at Maximilian's actions and continue facing the  principal. The principal continued announcing that the lucky three would be those who would accomplish the task handed out to each of the six students. Each letter had the name of the student they were going to tutor.

“In this, are names of the students you are going to tutor. To accomplish those tasks you have to make them improve by three grades. Three grades!!!"

Dean was furious about the task and he didn't want to go to this trip. But he wanted to be better than his brother, to be able to brag about  this and earn his parents praise.

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by Max's comments. “Are you serious! Do we have to teach those spud heads."

“Mind your Language” The principal jolted back. “Count me out." Max said leaving the principal's office in an Instant.

After the argument Dean felt the urge to give up. Maybe it was mere luck or fate but his hands opened the envelope slowly the moment feeling motionless. Out of curiosity he peaked at the neatly written name. Just one word changed it all. Mia.

“Mr Oxford count me in! " Dean left the office rather feeling optimistic.


“Mia fate has turned bad! " Rose said as she barged in the literature class. She was about to say when she noticed Dean playing with the pencil at the back of class. 
Rose excused herself and took Mia out with the permission of the teacher claiming falsely that she was needed urgently by the principal. 

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