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“A favour?" Mia asked.

“ I wanted you to help me in preparing a party" Rose said. “It might help me in socializing, plus the reputation of being the girl who was bullied on her first day ... Might change."

“Count me in! " Adrianne chipped.

“When?" Mia asked once more watching her friend, Adrianne who was unable to control her joy.

“This Friday. "  Rose said as they lunch period ended.

After the day's lessons Mia went to  the class for detention. Dean already sat there his arms folded as he was deep in thoughts. Mia rolled her eyes on his sight and went to sit at the back of the class.

' was he thinking how to ruin someone's else life? ' she thought as she started to open the chemistry book.

Since Mia was not the kind to dwell on what people were thinking, so she opened her chemistry book and decided to study.

“Alkali metals" she whispered to herself in a sad tone . Each time  she tried reading, she found herself already sketching the chemistry book in her notebook. With just the right shades, the drawing would have become realistic.

“Instead of reading, she drew" Dean said without taking his eyes out of her drawing.

Immediately Mia slammed her book shut and tried poking Dean's face with her sharp pencil, but almost as always her deadly attempts towards Dean failed.

“I know its hard accepting my awesomeness but really don't try to be me” Dean smiled, ingeniously.

“Why are you even here? Just go and sit where you were sitting and continue with the evil thoughts!"  Mia said as she threw her hands up in defeat.

“evil thoughts? Heck! my ideas on Turing and his computational ways are... You are just too dumb!" Dean said his brows furrowed and his eyes going a darker shade.

Just then someone coughed, dryly.

It was Max!

Deans head snapped to his direction and he looked at him as if eyes could kill.

“I have come to spend time with pepper!" He said as he pushed Dean aside to sit to the empty sit next to Mia's right side.

“You should know I am tutoring her, so your presence is a distraction " Dean said taking the empty seat which was next to Mia's left side.

“Seriously" Mia said looking at Dean, confused.

“its not 'seriously', its alkali metals" Dean corrected opening the chemistry book.

“Can your pigeon brain handle the terms of The metals?" Max pointed the question to Dean in an amusing manner.

“Just because your balcony of thoughts couldn't process it doesn't mean I can't " Dean added as he opened once again Mia's  shut notebook.

“Lets start with sodium, Mia concentrate!" He pointed the topic with the pen as Mia looked at him in fear and turned her eyes to the book.

“Take it easy on pepper! " Max said comforting her by rubbing her hand with this. Mia jerked her face towards Max's action feeling she could explode any moment.

“Stop it" Dean pushed Max hands away and also turning Mia's face with his hands to face the book.

“I am not some puppet! If you want to do this,  whatever is on between the two of you, do it, but 100 meters... or more away from me! " Mia said as she stood up and packing her books.

“No" Dean and Max said in unison as they forced her to sit down to her seat.



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