✓ one , abe's grandson

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abe's grandson

CHAPTER ONEabe's grandson

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i woke up at exactly eight this morning to begin my day. it was the same routine as usual. wake up at eight, breakfast at eight thirty, clean up after breakfast, free until lunch time, except for saving a window from being hit by a rock which a bird drops at exactly ten forty six every day. lunch is at twelve o'clock, i'm free until dinner which is at six o'clock, movie night is at seven thirty, then off to bed at nine o'clock. maybe a bit later if i stay up reading. it's pretty much the same every day.

nothing exciting rarely happens in the peculiar household, unless us kids fell adventurous and want to cause havoc to the town and it's people. after all, they won't remember when they wake up the next day. another thing exciting that i guess i do on a regular basis is reading in the library with millard. it's a common love we share, being enveloped in books. there's just something about them that brings your mind into a different world.

i put on a pair of tan stockings, throw on a white shirt with a yellow button dress over it, put on my dirty white slip on shoes before venturing out of my room. i put my hair into two twisted pigtails – which i do nearly every day. it is quite simple and comfortable.

downstairs, out of all the kids claire and bronwyn have gotten themselves ready so far. millard and i have the daily chore of making breakfast for everybody. since we are both fifteen years old, and being two of the older children, miss peregrine assigned us the job. emma and olive have lunch time duty, whilst enoch doesn't really cook. miss peregrine tried to get him to, but he refused. i'm sure his cooking wouldn't of been that good anyway. besides, all four of us take turns in helping miss peregrine cook dinner so we don't really need him.

this morning, to my surprise, i am down and ready before millard. he's usually up hours before me. maybe he had a long night reading. i continuously stay up late to finish chapters of books i become lost in.

i look towards claire and bronwyn, who look eagerly back at me. they must be hungry this morning. "are you two happy with jam toast for breakfast this morning?" i ask them, a smile spreading across my face.

"yes!" claire tells me, nodding her head quickly. bronwyn agrees with her.

i smile again, putting some toast into the toaster and getting the jam out from the refrigerator. "how about a glass of orange juice too? fiona made some nice ones yesterday." i offer, grabbing two glasses from the top cupboard.

"yum, orange juice is my favourite!" bronwyn says, her curly hair bouncing up and down.

i gather two oranges from the fruit basket, squeezing all the juice into a glass each for the girls. on time, the toast pops and i quickly bread jam on top before handing the plates and glasses to the girls.

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