six , miss avocet

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miss avocet

CHAPTER SIXmiss avocet

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it was late afternoon when miss avocet, the injured ymbryne, awoke. she's currently telling us about the hollow attack on her loop. it's quite a frightful story, and i wonder why she's telling it around the smaller children.

olive returns from collecting miss peregrine, who comes rushing in to check on the fellow ymbryne. jake and emma follow closely behind, jake looking slightly awkward and out of place. as per usual, anyway.

"oh miss peregrine," miss avocet exclaims, "they found my loop. the children, i tried to save them. but, there were so many hollows. i don't know how i escaped." her voice shook.

miss peregrine pulled miss avocet into an embrace. i looked grimly at the floor, my heart sinking at the thought of her children being killed by the monsters.

"you're safe now." miss peregrine says in a hushed voice.

miss avocet snaps her head up, "none of us are safe." they set up the machine in my loop."

"they put it in the cellars of blackwood tower. they're still there." olive adds.

miss peregrine looks puzzled. "their machine?"

"the experiment." miss avocet says, "they intend to do it again."

enoch speaks up, "this time they're using more ymbrynes. he still wants to be immortal."

"do hollows only attack peculiars?" jake questions. i stare at him from across the room, "of course not. they're monsters, jake." i tell him.

miss peregrine nods, "they'll slaughter anything in their path."

"well, some sheep on the island were killed." he tells miss peregrine, "you don't think they're here already, do you?"

my eyes widen at him, "you only tell her this now?" my voice rises. i feel a soft hand grab mine, which forces me to calm down slightly. jake looks at me, clearly surprised at my out burst.

"have you seen anyone with white eyes?" miss avocet asks, causing all us children to look at the peculiar boy. jake quietly shakes his head, but i'm not too convinced he's telling the truth.

miss peregrine stares at the floor for a moment, seemingly in deep thought. "sorry children, we can't stay here."

"what?" enoch gasps.

"are you serious?" i swallow. part of me wanted to leave the loop, and go explore the rest of the world. but i certainly did not want to, and intend to leave like this.

"very serious, maxine. we'll leave on the first ferry off the island tomorrow." miss peregrine declares, "pack anything of importance, then its sandwiches and early to bed."

"are we leaving for good?" hugh asks, following beside me as we walk out of the room. i take claire's hand, sensing her displeasure.

"when are we coming back?" fiona asks, taking hold of bronwyn's hand.

"if miss peregrine's not here to reset the loop tomorrow night, the house gets bombed." enoch states, obviously causing fear inside all of us.

"but our house." claire says, looking as though she's about to cry. i rub her hand soothingly, as miss avocet speaks to her. "don't cry, miss peregrine will find you another lovely house somewhere else." she says the last part darkly.

i lead claire up to her shared room with bronwyn to help the two pack. "make sure you grab some extra undergarments, claire." i tell the little girl, handing her her teddy bear to put into her suitcase. bronwyn quickly shoves anything she can into her suitcase, along with some of victor's old things too, which makes my heart sink.

victor. would we take his body with us? i push the thought aside for the moment, not wanting to seem worried in front of the two children.

once the two girls are nearly packed, i head to my own room to pack my own things. i gather some extra clothes, a scrapbook i had made years ago of me and the children, and of course some books.

i rush out of my room, heading for the downstairs library to lastly look for my favourite book. i enter, and see that millard is also here, a pile of books in his arms. i look around for romeo and juliet, but it is nowhere to be found.

"millard, have you seen romeo and juliet around here?" i ask him, looking at the green arm chair i had been sitting in hours before.

"i um, already packed it in my suitcase incase you forgot." he tells me, setting his stack of books on the table beside him.

i give him a small smile, "thanks."

i look around the library solemnly. "it's going to be quite sad leaving this place, huh? after everything all of us have been through together."

millard nods, moving by my side. i concentrate, so i'm able to see his face. i look up at him, giving him a sad smile. he smiles back at me, and takes my hand. "we'll create new memories together, wherever we go."

i nod, and let out a small breath. we're still staring at each other, and it's only now i realise how close our faces are. i can feel the heat rushing up to my cheeks. his eyes flicker between my blue eyes and my lips, to which he slowly leans in. our lips are nearly touching, but the sound of the door bell causes us to snap our heads towards it.

"who could that be?" i mutter, not realising the redness of millard's cheeks. he shrugs, looking as curious as i am. we both walk out of the library, still holding hands. the rest of the children stand on the staircase, watching as miss peregrine walks towards the door.

i gulp, watching as the blue haired woman opens it with caution.

"miss peregrine, i'm glad to meet you at last, may we come in?" a voice asks.

millard squeezes my hand hard as us and the children stand there in silence.

i gasp as my eyes fall upon jake. a giant blade is being held up to his neck, by a man with white eyes, and rows of unhuman sharp teeth. barron.


eeeeek, thank you guys so much for 100 reads! i'm still working to improve my writing, and knowing that there are people that read my work really excites me.

obviously 100 reads is not that much compared to other books about mphpc, but thank you none the less! i'll always appreciate all of your support <3

word count: 1032
updated on: 1/08/18
last edited: 1/08/18

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