ten , step two

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step two


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we all run back to the red tower, on our way to stop barren conducting the experiment on the ymbrynes. as quickly as we did before, we entered the room which barren and his two wight friends sat together.

"they should've been back by now." i hear the red-head of barren's friends say.

"i said it was a trap." the woman hisses.

"if that's true," barren spoke, standing up, "perhaps we should move the ymbrynes now."

millard grabs my shoulder, moving me away from the rest of the children. "stay safe." he whispers.

i engulf him in a hug. "only if you do." we stay like this for a couple of seconds, before separating.

i follow hugh to hide behind a row of chairs, whilst the others split up to follow jake's plan of distracting the three wights. i was given the task of trapping the barren's friends in a forcefield, as well as making sure the other kids stayed safe.

"you're not serious?" the woman questions, her white eyes staring at the wicked man evilly.

"do i not look serious? do i not look like a man who has searched the globe, looking for just one more eye to eat in hopes of regaining sufficient humanity to return to his research?" barren exclaims, quite impatient. "a man who's spent years hunting ymbrynes in preparation for this night, and two, no, three days in wales pretending to look at birds! i assure you, i will not stand idly by to see my destiny derailed."

i give hugh a nod, and stand up just as emma begins to blow air at barren.

"ah!" barren screams, as he's pushed up against the archery target board. jake shoots an arrow from the crossbow at his head, missing him by an inch.

the other two wights stand up, walking towards jake and emma. "hugh, max, do it now!" jake shouts to us.

hugh's bee's fly out of him at a rapid rate, buzzing around the two wights. i engulf them in a forcefield, as the two swat the bee's rapidly. the women pulls off her skirt, a white, rat like tail popping out, and rat like legs showing. surprised, i let my guard down and drop the forcefield.

the man runs into a nearby inflatable pool, whilst the woman jumps on top of a pole, clinging on with the claws of her feet.

"what are you doing? get them!" barren shouts at her.

the woman swings down from the pole on a rope, collecting a bucket of knives which sat on the ground on her way.

she throws one towards hugh, which he luckily dodges. he lets out a breath of air, looking back towards the woman when she throws another. my eyes widen, and i instinctively create a forcefield in front of him.

the knife bounces off it and onto the floor. the woman grunts at me, whilst i give her a small victorious smirk.

"you think you can stand in my way?" barren speaks, walking forward. "you, jake, content to age and die, as if you had not the gift of peculiarity at all?"

enoch lunges at him with a knife, missing barren's neck. barren hits him over the head, knocking him unconscious.

i gasp, looking at the barren furiously whilst he laughs. "i am a higher being." he spits, "i hold the secret to eternal life!"

olive sneaks up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "sorry to interrupt." she taps him, lighting his suit on fire.

"what the-" he exclaims, looking at his ignited shoulder.

he takes off his coat, thrashing it around the room. olive falls over in attempt at dodging the flames.

i snap my head over to jake, who is loading the crossbow anxiously. "bronwyn." he says.

the little girl picks up a chair which was attached to the ground with ease. jake aims the crossbow at barren, missing him again.

"huh, you missed again jake." he cackles, throwing his deflamed coat back on, "i take it accuracy is not your peculiarity."

bronwyn throws the chair at the side of barren's face, knocking him onto the floor. he gets up, snarling. jake holds the crossbow up again, but he throws his shape-shifted hand at it, pulling it from his grip.

jake takes out a knife, running towards the wight. both grunt, but barren pushes jake on the floor.

"abe was a much worthier adversary." barren shakes his head, walking away from jake.

"don't let him get to the birds!" jake shouts.

i swallow, running down the stairs to get closer to the barren. horace steps in front of him, holding his spectacle (i still don't know what it is), up to his eye and projecting his dream at the barren, blinding him.

the barren groans, but it soon turns into a laugh. he steps forward to horace, patting him on the shoulders. "ooh. hmm. you must put me in contact with your tailor." he pushes horace aside.

i arrive to horace, helping him off the ground. "how are we going to stop him? he's getting away." i ask, as horace dusts himself off.

"ymbrynes ymbrynes, here i come!" barren chants, laughing away.

i hear a scream, belonging to bronwyn. she is pulled into the inflatable pool by the other male wight. i gasp, running towards them.

he steps out of the pool, freezing it over. "cold? wait until the blood freezes in your veins."

"leave her alone, you foul cockroach!" i exclaim, hitting him aside with a forcefield.

he stumbles, as fiona runs towards him. "hey!" she says, grabbing his attention. she throws seeds on him.

"that was your attempt to rescue your friend, was it?" he asks, stepping towards her.

the seeds begin to grow into vines, wrapping around him tightly. he chokes, struggling for breath.

i continue to hit the ice with a forcefield until it breaks. bronwyn gasps for air, as i help her out. she's shivering. olive runs over, putting a warm hand on her shoulder to warm the little girl up. she instantly stops shaking.

i give fiona and olive a small smile. "let's follow barren. we need to stop him before he begins the experiment." i state.


word count: 1069
updated on: 10/08/18
last edited: 9/08/18

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i feel like my writing decreases as i go because i get less motivated :(
i don't want it to stop you guys from reading

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