nine , pier battles

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pier battles

CHAPTER NINEpier battles

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the kids and i find ourselves walking along the quiet beach. i focus on the sound of the waves, knowing that if i thought too much, i would begin to panic about previous events. millard takes hold of my hand, giving me a reassuring squeeze.

"i'm sorry, jake." fiona says, causing me to look up at her, "what do we do now?"

i look over to jake, who looks tired and distressed. "is there any sign of barron and miss peregrine?" he questions.

"gone." olive states, "barron must've had a boat."

jake looks out at the ocean, and i follow his gaze. "well, we have to go after them. we know he's taking her to blackpool." he says.

"but blackpool is miles away, and the next ferry doesn't go for hours. we'll never make it in time." millard mentions.

"not unless we go by boat too." jake looks towards emma.

the children and i stare at them confused.


i gasp for air as the water sinks below my neck. it turns out emma had a secret hiding spot, which was a boat under water. we had all dived underwater, and she had given us air bubbles so we could breath.

with her peculiarity she is able to get rid of the water inside the boat, with a lot effort of course.

now that the corridor is full of air, i begin to shut all the doors and make sure there is no way for the water to get back in. millard and i shut the last door, and the boat begins to rise. i stumble against millard's chest, causing him to put an arm around my waist.

we all forcefully make our way forward to steer the boat, and cheer as we reach the surface of the water.

jake and emma disappear into a seperate room to look at the map of all the known loops, whilst the rest of us stay and stare out the windows, admiring the view.

"its weird experiencing another time." i state, causing everyone to look at me. i turn my head, "what? even if it is only about an hour more, it's, different." i shrug, turning back to the window.

"i know what you mean," hugh sighs, "having the same weather and occurrences is only good for so long. it got a bit boring after a while, didn't it?"

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