✓ four , peculiarity practice

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peculiarity practice

CHAPTER FOURpeculiarity practice

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once i finish the pancakes millard made for me (which were surprisingly delicious), i make my way up to my bedroom. on the way, someone knocks on the front door. i watch as bronwyn runs to answer it, flinging it open.

"jake! you're back, come and play!" she exclaims, lifting the boy as though he weighed no less than a feather.

i appear from around the corner, smiling brightly at the boy. "hi, jake!" i say, "you're back quite quickly."

he looks down at bronwyn then back up to me. "i'd love to play, but i need to see miss peregrine first."

i nod my head, "she's in the kitchen, nursing the injured ymbryne, follow me."

bronwyn goes back to play with claire and the twins, whilst i show jacob to miss peregrine. we enter the kitchen, where she is feeding the poor ymbryne.

"jake, you're back. how wonderful." she says as we walk in, her eyes gleaming at the boy.

jake looks at the bird in her arms giving her a small smile, "how's it doing?" emma and max said it was a ymbryne."

"she, not it. ymbrynes are always female." miss peregrine corrects, "this is miss avocet."

"her loop is in blackpool." jake mentions, taking a letter from his pocket, "england."

miss peregrine stares at him, "that was a private letter, jake." she looks angered, and i can't help but feel sorry for jake.

jake breaths, "who is mr barren?"

i swallow, looking towards miss peregrine, "i should go." i mumble, and leave the room. i continue the previous journey up to my bedroom.

i sit quietly on my bed, staring out the window. the sky was the same as every other day, but it still seemed to calm me. i don't like talking about mr barren, and anything that comes with him. it frightens me to know that there are people after peculiar children. especially our eyes, which disgusts me even more.

"enoch, don't do this, please." a voice from the hallway exclaims. i furrow my eyebrows, getting up from my bed to see what the commotion is about. i stand in the frame of my doorway, watching as jake follows enoch and olive to victor's room.

hugh, fiona, horace and millard are in the room across from me playing a board game. i pass them, and they look at me questionably. fiona rushes out, following me down the hall.

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