eleven , the battle

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the battle


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i give fiona and olive a small smile. "let's follow barren. we need to stop him before he begins the experiment." i state, walking to enoch's unconscious side. olive tends to bronwyn, making sure she is fully recovered.

fiona goes to check on the little ones who are still hidden up behind the chairs, as well as millard and hugh who keeping an eye on them.

"enoch, came up enoch!" i shake the boy, feeling the stare of olive on the side of my face. i turn to her, and gasp.

"olive lookout!" the man, broken free from fiona's vines, freezes olive from the shoulders. she puts up a fight, burning him with her fire.

i stare back down at enoch, shaking him even more. "come on, enoch! your girlfriend is in trouble. you've got to help me!" i say into his ear. he doesn't awake. i groan, letting out a puff of air.

"i didn't want it to result to this." i slap him across the face. he shoots awake, looking around widely.

i stand up abruptly, hitting the frozen man with a forcefield to knock him off of olive. olive falls to the ground, nearly frozen.

i continue to shoot forcefields at the man, but he freezes all of them. suddenly, a mechanical elephant awakes. i step back, as it jumps high in the air, coming down on the man with a thud.

i turn to stare at enoch, who's eyes are adverted to olive's unconscious form.

i hear the children giggle upstairs, and a quiet shush from either millard or hugh. the woman with fury legs, who had been hiding up on the ceiling, snaps her head towards them. she swings by her tail, landing in front of them with a grunt.

my eyes widen as i watch the women reach for claire, who turns around and uses her back-mouth to bite her hands. the twins pull up their masks, and i quickly advert eyes to i'm looking looking at their own. the woman turns to stone with one last shriek, and falls to the ground.

"come down, the coast is clear!" i shout to them. claire, the twins, fiona, millard and hugh run down, and horace appears from behind another set of chairs.

millard stands by my side, and we watch as enoch kneels by olive.

"olive." he whispers, shaking the girl slightly. i swallow, a bump rising in my throat. she couldn't be dead, we tried to hard to keep everyone safe.

ocean eyes (millard nullings) ✓Where stories live. Discover now