twelve , ocean

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millard and i appear on the dock in 1943. i take in a breath of air, the soft breeze blowing my hair out of my face.

"you okay?" millard questions, as we walk up the plank to the boat.

"i'm fine. just tired after all the exercise." i chuckle, "sitting in the library all day is good for the mind, but not the body." millard gives me a small laugh.

we board the boat, and all the kids seperate to either rest or talk amongst themselves. millard and i take a spot on the railing on the deck, looking out at the ocean.

"thanks, by the way." i mutter, glancing at the invisible boy beside me.

"for what?" he questions.

i stare out at the sea, a small smile making its way onto my face. "for being there. as cliche as it sounds."

"no problem. but where did this come from?" millard sighs, lacing my fingers with his.

"previous events. i didn't realise how quickly i could loose you until in the presence of a hollowgast." i joke a little, but on the inside my heart is fluttering.

we stand in silence, the sound of the waves crashing against the dock is the only noise, as well as the seagulls.

millard breaths, "can you, uh, see me for what i'm about to say? i need to know you can see me."

i turn to him, a little confused but oblige. soon, i can see his scruffy brown hair and caramel brown eyes. the eyes that always made me blush whenever they'd meet mine.

his cheeks are tinted a light pink, from the cold i presume, and his tongue runs over his lips repeatedly.

"i want to thank you too. ever since miss peregrine bought you back from your orphanage, i've grown feelings i don't particularly feel around other people. my heart pounds in my chest whenever you get even a metre near me, i feel like i fumble for words whenever you talk to me. your ocean blue eyes, your smile and your laugh, make me melt." i blush furiously as he continues. "max, i'm no romeo, and i sure hope our story isn't written by shakespeare, but what i'm saying- i.. i like you. no- i think i love you. i'm completely and utterly in love with you, max. i know we're young, well not really - but you know what i mean, and i hardly know what love is, but if it's anything like the feelings i feel towards you, then i think i do."

he takes a deep breath, his cheeks going even pinker the longer i stare up at him in shock.

he scratches the back of his neck, "i'm sorry. i've ruined out friends-"

i grab his cheeks and pull myself up to his height, my lips meeting his. he kisses back in a second, wrapping his arms around my waist.

we pull away, both our faces red and gasping for air. i break out into a grin, and so does he.

"you're cute." i say, "but i think i love you too."

he grins down at me, his hands still around my waist. he pulls me in for another long kiss, which makes me blush just as much as the first one did.

we pull away, and i grab his hand as the boat commences to move. together we begin to sail across the ocean.

i don't particularly know how long we'll be on this boat, but at least we'll be ageing one day at a time.


word count: 617
updated on: 12/08/18
last edited: 11/08/18

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