✓ two , dinner arguments

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dinner arguments

CHAPTER TWOdinner arguments

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we all depart the carriage once we get closer to our home. millard and i walk further in front of the group, playing a silly game of tag - which is pointless because we are barley running.

we go through our nicely trimmed back yard, as the others behind us admire the plant life. fiona put quite a lot of effort into our garden before we became a loop. if she made a new garden now, the next day she would have to start over. this didn't stop her though. after all, earth was her element.

as soon as we all step foot onto our porch the front door swings open, revealing miss peregrine. she's smoking a pipe, as she pulls out her pocket watch. did we arrive late?

"right on time." she says, as though reading my thoughts.

"miss peregrine, delighted to meet you." she says to jacob, "i do hope i'm not going to have the pub land lord knocking on my door with the police again. i've had to kill them twice this month. it's been terribly inconvenient."

"millard and max broke a few things, that's all. and olive may have started a tiny fire." emma admits, looking at all of us, "but they were going to hurt jake."

miss peregrines sighs, moving aside to let us all in. "go see if hugh still wants to play a game of soccer. i'll get the ball just incase." i tell millard. he nods, running off to his bedroom.

i collect the ball from the cupboard under the stairs, going past fiona who sits bored in the living room. "fiona, come play soccer with hugh, millard and i." i say to her. she grins widely, following me to the back garden.

millard and hugh appear just after we arrive. "how about, girls vs boys?" hugh suggests.

i nod, "sure, but get ready to be beaten." fiona and i smirk at each other.

the game starts, and so far everything is going smoothly. i dribble the ball past hugh, before passing it to fiona who scores a goal. "that was way too easy." she laughs.

hugh looks mildly embarrassed. "best of three!" he states.

half way through our second round, fiona gasps. "i've got to go make carrots for tonight's supper! i'll be back!"

we stop the game, "i know," i begin, "i'll referee whilst we wait for her. you two play one on one."

the boys agree, and are soon back to playing. "millard, slow down!" hugh exclaims.

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